Chapter 1: Nicole's POV

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"Now class, your homework tonight is pages 67 to page 78 in your textbooks, I expect it to be done tomorrow, NO EXCEPTIONS!" My math teacher demands with a smile. "But, Mr. Bailey I-" I try to speak but he interrupts me. "Now I said no exceptions." "Well I have volleyball practice for 5 hours after school and I'm surely not going to do 11 pages of math at 10 o'clock at night!" Everyone looks at me in shock. Mr. Bailey's jaw drops. I sit back in my chair satisfied.
I was never the one to be afraid to speak my mind and give an attitude to the teachers. They don't really care anyways.
The bell rings for the end of the day and I gladly rushed out of school. I look through the front door of school and can't see anything past the pouring rain. "Ugh, Florida, your so bipolar." I mutter to myself. Then I remembered, I left my umbrella at home and I have to walk today. Great.
I hear a deep voice coming from behind me. "Nic wait up!" I turn around. He gives me a stalker-like smirk, revealing his braces. "Ew Taylor stop it you creepo!" I laugh. We have been best friends for like 10 years. "Want me to drive you home so you don't have to walk in the rain?" He asks pushing his dirty blonde hair out of his eyes. "If its not too much trouble then sure, why not." "Ok I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get the car." He dissappers in the rain.
After a couple minutes I see bright white headlights. A white 2014 Corvette pulls up at the curb and the passenger window rolls down. "Well you comin with or not?" Taylor says with a big smile on his face. I hurry up and get in the car, trying not to get soaked. "How the hell did you get the money to afford this?!" I say, jaw on the floor. "I like to call it strategy." He says with a laugh. "Ok then how about you make a 'strategy' to pay me back the $50 you owe me." I glare at him. "Yea... About that..." I cut him off, "You used it as part of the money to get the car didn't you?" "maybeeeee..." He said almost in a whisper. All I could do was laugh.
We get to the traffic light before you turn into my neighborhood. I look down at the sidewalk and see a sign that said "Open House" with an arrow pointing down my street. I start to panic. What if we are moving and mom didn't tell me yet. "Nic is there something wrong?" He asks, looking very concerned. I clear my throat, "Oh its nothing, I was just thinking about something." He looks in the direction of the sign. "Open house? Is that for you guys?" He asks, all happiness drained from his voice. "I hope not." I say as equally upset. We turn down the road and see the sign across the street from my house. We both let out a sigh of relief.
We get into my driveway. "I don't know what I would've done without you here!" He says giving me a hug. He yanks my long brown and red ombre hair. "OUCH, this was supposed to be an emotional moment... You ruined it." I said giggling. "You know I can't take anything seriously." He smiles. We get out of the car and he walks me to the door. "I guess I will see you tomorrow?" He says, gazing into my eyes. "Yep, pick me up at 6 like normal?" "Ok see ya in the morning, bye."
I go upstairs and into my room, I have a pounding headache and my brother's heavy metal music isn't helping. "LUCAS WOULD YOU TURN THAT OFF I HAVE A HEADACHE!" I scream, desperate for him to hear me. No answer. I repeat myself. Still nothing. I swing open his door. He's sleeping, of course.
Me, being the best little sister ever, shoves him out of bed. He quickly sits up and takes a fighting stance with his fists up. "Can you, turn that crap off, I have a headache!" I ask somewhat nicely. "C'mon Nic-" I cut him off. "Don't call me that" I say with a straight face, "you know the only one I let say that is Taylor." "Ok fine." He pauses, "Nicole" He pauses again as for making it clear he corrected himself. "You know you like this song. When you were little and mom played this in the car we both sung to this like there was no tomorrow!" He yells over the blaring music. I take a moment to listen to the song. Holiday by Greenday. I chuckle, "Yea, I remember..." He turns the stereo down to hear me. "... That was when-" I start to tear up and I start stuttering, "that was wh-when dad was still a-around." He immediately hugs me as I burst into tears. I enjoyed the hug, until I realized that the one that was hugging me was Luke, I pulled away. "Ew don't touch me." I say laughing, but with tears still in my eyes. We both laugh.
When I was little, my dad was on his way to work one morning and was t-boned in an intersection. The car was totaled and he suffered serious injury, which meant he had to have surgery. During surgery they messed something up and his heart rate started dropping. You can probably guess what happened after that.
"Well, I'm gonna go try to rest, my head is pounding, can you please keep your music down though?" I ask, hopeful he keeps it down. "Fineeee, if I have to." He says in a mocking voice.
I go back to my room and look out of my window of the house across the street. I think to myself, "I wonder who the people are like that are gonna move in. What will they look like? How will they act? Will they have kids? How many? How old?" I try not to think that much since my headache just keeps getting worse. After a couple minutes I fall asleep.

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