Trust Vs. Freedom

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Chapter Two

I growled and lunged at all the people while colliding with the titanium/steel bars of the cage, denting it in the process and collecting everyone's immediate attention.

"Holy fucking shit man! You didn't tell us he was huge as fuck and mean looking to boot River!" Yelled the first man to come into the room.

A second man from the group that stood shocked had blond hair, blue eyes, was creamy white as well, and stood shorter than the first man by three inches or so yelled out, "Shit dude!! He dented the fucking STEEL bars! What the hell is he made of?!?"

I retreated some from the bars as a snarl rumbled from my chest and started to pace my cage. I was getting even more pissed, was hurt, hungry, and felt betrayed. It was even worse having more than one male intruding on my territory ogling me like a pathetic fucking zoo animal or a dumb ass show pony! I wanted them to get over with whatever the scientists wanted and go. I've had just about enough for one day.

River glanced at me for a moment then turned to his team. "Jake, Marcus, Ty, Leonard, and Luca you all need to calm down. It's just going to make him even worse. And to be quite honest I did give fair warning to come in slowly and be cautious Cole. He is dangerous from what I can gather from the file. Hell from even looking at him. But he's been here for 10 years. They made him this way. Just keep a cool head and watch out. It seems from the most recent log on the file that they had just brought him back from experimenting on him two and a half hours ago. He was cut up, shot and much more as you can see. We need to calm him down and figure out a way to get him out of here to take back to HQ with us. One more thing. He is a rare breed. The only one of his kind. Seems he was born this way from what the file tells us. He can shift into three types of wild cats. Be careful and alert. I'm going to try to talk to him. Does he speak? Can he understand us? Probably, yeah? Cause he was a normal person before being taken here. That okay Ms. Russell?"

Ms. Russell sighed and nodded, "Yeah he can speak. But I don't know if he will or wants to. For as long as I've worked here I've only heard him say one thing. It wasn't even to me. The scientists wanted to take him from the cage to test a new weapon on him. So the guards shot seven tranquilizer darts into him, granted even one could take down a rhino, and then opened the cage. Although he was groggy from the drugs he still managed to take out fourteen guards, two scientists, and still come out alive with only minor scratches and bruising after being tossed into a testing facility with the experimental machine gun and evading the bullets and small rockets. He said and I quote, "Next time I get out, I'll slaughter every last one of you mother fucking sadistic bastards and enjoy ripping your hearts out!," unquote. From then on he hasn't spoken as far as I know."

Cole looked towards me and stared while asking, "Did he do it? Kill everyone that did that to him the next time he got out I mean."

She glanced up at the team while shifting and rubbing her arms. "Yeah.. From what I heard he got his revenge good I'd say. Went and massacred half the guards in this place and killed all the scientists that got in his way. Only a few were lucky to live or escape with injury. He got surrounded by the rest of the guards here and shot up with drugs before he could finish the job. I'm just glad I was away on a job retreat when it went down." Then she glanced back over to me and stared as well before adding, "He's not bad. I know it. I know because one time he protected a kid. Didn't have to but he did."

The team looked over at me and I stopped to glare and growl at them before I looked away and walked to the back of my cage listening to them continue to talk.

"Why did he do that?" River wondered.

"And why does that one thing make him good?" Leonard, the only very big very muscular member of the group who had red hair cut military style, a mustache and a goatee, had deep green eyes and had the outer looks of a biker gang member but the inner personality of a teddy bear.

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