2: Family Bonds

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Kai rocked his daughter in his arms. Skylor was taking a nap. It had been fourteen months since their daughter had been born, and boy, was she a handful. She always cried at the oddest times, especially after she had her food and after naps. Kai sighed, hearing her whimper.

"Homura, be quiet," he whispered. Running his hand through her messy reddish-brown hair, he heard her sigh. A small smile appeared on Kai's face as he continued to rock her. She gripped tightly onto her shirt as her eyes opened, revealing beautiful amber orbs with flecks of crimson. "Let Momma sleep some, you keep her up nonstop with your whining."

Homura squealed as Kai began to tickle her. Kai put her on the floor, and the toddler waddled over to the fireplace. She pointed to the flames from outside of the glass. Giggling, she poked at the glass, leaving fingerprints on it. She waddled back over to the couch and jumped onto it.

"Fire is a dangerous element. Even the quickest touch can cause harm. Always remember that, Homura," Kai explained to his daughter. Homura looked up, her eyes seemingly enchanted by what her father was telling her. Kai knew what fire did; he was the master of it. His temper was just as much fire as the flames themselves were; if someone got too close, they'd get burned, and that burn would remind them not to play with fire, unless they wanted to get burned.

"Fire...bad?" Homura tried to form the words. Kai nodded his head.

"Yes. Fire is bad if you don't tame it properly." Kai responded. Homura nodded her head. She got down and went back to the fire, watching it with interest. Kai chuckled softly. If things like Homura's fascination with fire kept up, she'd be the next elemental master of fire.

Skylor entered the kitchen, making some eggs for Kai and her. Homura waddled over, tugging at her mom's hem of her nightgown. Skylor looked down and smiled. She picked up the toddler, swinging her in her arms. Homura giggled, then pointed to the eggs. They were now burnt on the stove.

"Welp, I guess you won't object with going out for breakfast, would you, Kai?" Skylor asked. Kai shook his head. Getting off the couch, Kai went to the bedroom he and Skylor shared to change. He still wore his red jacket with a t-shirt having his fire emblem underneath, red slacks, and his red and white tennis shoes. He got Homura a scarlet dress out, and then went back to the living room.

"I got Homura's outfit out. I'll get the stuff together and get the car started while you both get ready," Kai explained. Skylor nodded her head and picked Homura up. The toddler giggled, her reddish-brown streaked hair bouncing with every shake of her head. She was eager to go, and that brought a smile to both Kai and Skylor's faces.

Skylor put on a simple yellowish-orange shirt with jeans and tennis shoes. She put Homura's dress on, and pulled her daughter's locks back into two braids. After making sure Homura was ready, Skylor brushed her red hair and put it in its signature ponytail. She picked up her daughter, and they headed out to the car. Skylor strapped Homura in, and then got in the passenger seat, buckled herself, and Kai took off.

"While you were still sleeping, Homura took an interest to the fireplace," Kai teased. His sunglasses were over his face, covering his amber eyes. Skylor shook her head, sighing. Homura had inherited Kai's eyes, and every time she looked at her daughter's eyes, she could see her husband's amber eyes with those bits of crimson reflected in them.

"She takes most after you. It wouldn't be so far-fetched that she picks up your fire powers," Skylor responded. Homura piped up in the back before she quieted down. Kai rolled his eyes. He wasn't going to deny it; their daughter had taken more of Kai's physical features, but Kai was certain she had inherited both of their personalities.

Kai put the car in park and pushed his sunglasses onto his head. The two got out, and Kai got Homura out of her car seat. He threw her in his arms, her laughs filling the air as they waited for their table. When they sat down, the waitress was freaking out because Kai was one of the ninja, and Skylor was one of the elemental masters. She even played with tiny Homura, which resulted in the child laughing before she began crying due to hunger.

Kai rubbed his head. He had been having headaches lately, and he couldn't figure out why. Skylor took notice and decided to say something. She laid Homura down for her afternoon nap and walked to the training yard. She saw Kai hitting the dummy, keeping his body in shape, despite the longing peace that Ninjago had had for the past few years.

"What's been up with you and your head? I've noticed you've been rubbing it like migraines have started plaguing you," Skylor asked. Kai sighed. He wiped sweat off his forehead and sat beside Skylor on the stairs. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he turned to face his wife, unsure of how to describe the constant pain in his head.

"I dunno how to describe them. It's like they happen and stay around for hours, even after I take Advil for them," Kai started. Skylor kept quiet, letting Kai continue. "I also keep having this weird dream. I'm out with Homura in Ninjago City, training her, and then I fall into darkness. Homura's devastated, and the rest, I don't remember what happened."

Skylor scratched her head. "Maybe Cole could help you. He does use those smoke visions, right?" Kai nodded in response. "Perhaps your headaches, that dream, and maybe what Cole is seeing with those smoke visions are connected. It's worth a shot, and I'm sure Seth would love to see Homura."

"Sounds fine with me. Anything to know what the heck is going on with my head and those dreams," Kai replied. He stood up and went to shower, then packed the bag Skylor, Homura and he took on vacation. He watched Homura sleep peacefully, but the anxiety of what that dream might be telling him brought a pang of fear into the fire ninja's usually cocky gut. Shaking his head, he grabbed the bag, and started the car. The family headed to the monastery.

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