Chapter 10: Where's the playstore?

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Though when the mysterious alluring woman passed her, his pen suddenly went rolling down and went out of ink which was weird...

"About a week ago, ma'am." he answers with a slight tint of redness on his face and Lucinda couldn't help but pout. All that three hour trip for nothing. She better have a good explanation for moving out!

Just when the thought crossed her mind, a part of the elevator scenery showed a part of Isabella's old crumpling apartment and it all made sense. "That demon is so crushing on Isabella. Jeez, just because she looks like the same human master she served before." (Lucinda) crossed her arms tapping her foot impatiently.


As the elevator floor got closer, the lights on the elevator flicked for a moment before finally coming onto a stop.

"Here we are ma'am." he escorts her out of the elevator taking a step out but not until he realizes that his new shoes suddenly broke.

"Huh? That's weird..." the bottom part of the shoe out of nowhere just fell out.

Lucinda grimaced and knew that the bad luck was already covering the entire suite. A normal human without a charm would certainly not survive the peril so this innocent staff has to go immediately!

"Good sir! I'm like totally good. So like, you can go down now and do your boring office job. I can open the door and get in myself you know." The witch walked towards the elevator button and began pressing down about a dozen times before it opened.

"There you go!" She drags the staff boy up and pushes him inside the elevator, giving a slight wave. "Bye bye now!"

The man, although confused, decided to just play along and besides he can't really escort the miss any further with a broken shoe so he just waved and replied, "Goodbye to you as well ma'am."


As soon as the elevator door closed she felt like bursting inside there and began yelling out all the questions she was meaning to ask like- jeez never mind all this anger and stress will give her pimples.


So instead of getting angry she decided to calm down and walked towards the door of the suit. Lucinda with her manners, knocks first before waiting for someone to open the door.

"Good evening, milady." To her surprise, an old man holding a cane opened the door with a soft smile. "You are the witch I've been hearing off. My master has been expecting you, please come inside."

Lucinda, having a soft heart for the elderly bows a little in his direction and drops off the informality in her speech. "My name is Lucinda Lockheart. I came here for um-" she stops looking around to try and spot the demon lord.

She was trying to be careful if this old man in front of her knows the demon lord-

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