Chapter 2

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It's good to be home at last, but it will be a short stay, I'm afraid. Captain Crow will visit the king and queen at first light. And when the ship is ready, we'll be off to kill a monster! Sarah said causing the crowd to cheer. We're going after the Red Bluster! So if this be our last visit to Three Bridges, I expect some right, proper debauchery! The crowd cheers again :

Go on, then. Make way for the hunters Sarah said Here we go, mates! (  The Crown will pay well for them horns. So the drinks are on us! Said Jacob as the crowd cheers ) No one goes thirsty tonight, swabbies!  Come on, then! (

Captain Crow is our hero He keeps the oceans clear ♪ ♪ He stabs, and shoots And kills, and guts ♪ ♪ The monsters that we fear ♪ ♪ He stabs, and shoots, and executes ♪ ♪ With cannon, lance, and spear ♪ ♪ Cuts off their horns ♪ ♪ And no one mourns The monsters that we fear ♪ ♪ So sing the hunters' praises Wherever men draw breath ♪ ♪ For hunters live the greatest lives And die the greatest deaths! ♪

Hello! Hello. Me name's Maisie. Maisie Brumble. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. And you're Jacob Holland, who once killed four of them beasts in a span of two days. Is it true you done that? Said Maisie

Four in two days? Don't believe everything you hear, lass. Four in two  days? Said Jacob scoffing  It was five.

I heard... The tankards clatter as Maisie started to follow Jacob I heard there was a time them beasts used to come right up to shore, pluck a lady right out of her veggie patch, and swallow her up! But not no more. And it's 'cause of the hunters. There's not a nobler profession, I says. I come from a long line of hunters meself.

Is that so? Asked Jacob Holland Aye. Me parents were lancers. They served on the Monarch replied Maisie. The Monarch. So they're... Aye. That's just the way for a hunter, ain't it? You live a great life and die a great death.

Huh. Come on. So, uh, who's looking after you then? I'm staying at a children's home in Guelston, up the way. Except I ain't staying exactly. I'm on the run, you see. And I ain't going back. 'Cause I'm joining your crew Maisie said causing Jacob Holland to splutter Oh, no, you ain't. A hunting ship ain't no place for a kid.

You joined the ship when you were me age, and look at you now. You're a weapon against nature's darkest design said Maisie. It says so on page 92 she added. Look, kid, I'm clever with a spear, but I've been lucky more than once. There's no guarantee of making it to page 92. Trust me. Now, you should run along replied Jacob. Right, then. I'll talk to Captain Crow. That's a man with real authority.

Do you know where I might find Captain Crow? Maisie asked Hey! I... I have authority said Jacob Holland. All right? You ain't captain, are ya? Said Maisie Uh, no, but I am captain material said Jacob causing Maisie to laugh "Captain material?"  Sorry. It just sounds funny said Maisie as Jacob responded. I mean, I will be captain. Someday replied Jacob. Well, I intend to get on that ship. So, if you don't mind, I'll take it up with Captain Now, not Captain Someday Maisie said. Hey! Put me down! Let me go! Monster hunters are supposed to be heroes added Maisie. Jacob: And here's me saving you. Evening, Rosie. You go through Guelston? Asked Jacob Aye. Right. Let her out there and not before. If that's not too much trouble said Jacob. Aye. Hey!  This is   kidnapping! Said Maisie as Jacob responded No, love. It's the opposite of kidnapping. But before he could head back to the tavern he saw something staring at him in the water or more specifically someone in the water.

He walked down to the docks to see a girl in the water staring at him But she didn't come out instead she smiled at him. But the moment she heard the voice of Sarah Sharpe Jane dove back into the water disappeared beneath the waves.

 But the moment she heard the voice of Sarah Sharpe Jane dove back into the water disappeared beneath the waves

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New friend, Jacob? Sarah Sharpe asked refering to Maisie Ah, just some kid replied Jacob. Urgh. Horrible things, children replied Sarah Sharpe. From the corner of his eye he saw the girl peeking at him from around the corner of a rock she smiled at him before she dove into the water again.

The Mermaid had been orphaned at a young age and so lived on her own she had no one to tell her what to do weather or not she should see the human's but one in particular caught her eye and he went by the name of Jacob Holland.

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