We both left the room with our hands tied.
He ran down so fast he almost pulled me.
Then he released my hand and ran  down the stairs in front of me.
I started to run after him, but not as fast as he did.
I called after him. However, he didn't listen and when I lost sight of him I started to worry. The palace is so big and has so many stairs that it is easy to get lost.
"Simon?!" I call louder and louder. I began to look around quickly until I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.
I turned to see a beaming expression on the curly haired boy's face. He smiled and it felt like a stone fell from my heart.
I gigged over to hug him and he accepted gratefully. "Can we have breakfast now, please?" he said as he parted our bodies.
"Yes but please promise me you won't run away again."
"Yes, yes, I'm not running away."
answered the curly-haired boy next to me.
I kissed his forehead again as I looked down to see his smile.
I took his hand and we both walked hand in hand down the aisles.
I glanced over at him from time to time, but I kept seeing the  boy next to me smile non-stop.

When we got to the kitchen I opened the fridge and looked around.
"What do you want to eat?", I asked while slowly looking at Simon.
However, he looked around with wide eyes.
Up, down, right, left and on turns.
I laughed while saying in a questioning tone, "What is it?"
He looked me in the eye before letting out a loud, "Woooowww".
I closed the fridge and went to him.
I wrapped my hands around a hip to get his attention on me.
"What's the matter Simon?"
"Have you ever seen this kitchen?!?! She is awesome. Everything so big and beautiful and.. omg.."
I laughed while making our foreheads together.

However, his smile kept getting smaller as he slowly looked down.
"It's just... I've never had the chance to see something like that... or live in a house like that."
He shifted his gaze to the kitchen window, which looked out onto the snowy backyard.
I smiled at him as I removed my hands from his waist to cup his face with both hands.
"Well, now you have to get used to seeing it more and more."

He looked surprised and his gaze got happier as he started to speak: "Ouhhhh, is the Prince of Sweden inviting me to his palace?!"

I raised my eyebrows and smiled at him as he pressed his forehead against mine and slowly pushed me back against the wall.
"Hmm, maybe." I said as I pressed my lips away from his soft ones.
It started out very gently until his tongue licked my lips and he bit my lower lip.

He opened his mouth and let me put my tongue in his mouth. So our tongues were connected and I felt an energy flowing through my body.
We both sighed as our lips parted for air.
His gentle hands ran through my hair and my hands were around his waist.
He broke the kiss with a sentence that melted me alone.
"God, I could kiss you like this forever."
He tried to talk between the heavy breathing and soft moans.
I smiled until our lips connected again.
I could kiss him forever but that didn't last long.

"Mmm." I heard someone say. I pushed Simon right away from me to see that erik was at the door.
His eyes wide open and with a small smile.

I and simon looked at each other in embarrassment until we both blushed.
I try to speak: "Uhm..Erik hey. II didn't know you were standing there."

He waved at me slightly and laughed, "Of course you didn't know that Wille."

Simon turns to look Erik in the eye.
"How long have you been standing there?"
His tone was very shy.
"Long enough.. you gotta be careful boys... if my mom sees you like this then- I know it's not going to end well."
He rolled his eyes and walked to the fridge.
"Have you eaten anything yet?" he tried to end the subject.
"No, we were just about to do something."
"Yea sure." He giggled.
Me and Simon were still standing there like Stone, just red-faced.
"I can make pancakes?"
Me and Simon nodded and thanked.
He continued, "Sit down, it won't be long."

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