It Was An Accident, After All

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「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
〔Gagamaru Polite Manner〕
"So these men are the Four Cardinal Heroes of ancient legend?"
At a large throne room of some kind of kingdom castle, sat a old looking king, who looked at the four 'Cardinal Heroes', to which he also asked about their legitimacy, which was confirmed by one of his servant by his side, after being assured, he decided to introduce himself and continue on with the conversation

"I see, I am the King of Melromarc, Aultcray Melromarc XXXlll, Heroes, name yourself."
Once the King, now known as Aultcray Melromarc, introduce himself, he immediately asked the four before them to give their name to him, to which they reply

"Amaki Ren, sixteen years old, high school student."
The first of the four to introduce themselves was the one in blue, wielding a 'Sword' and had a serious expression, who goes by the name Amaki Ren

"I'm Kitamura Motoyasu, twenty one, and a college student."
The 2nd of the four to introduce themselves was the one in red, wielding a 'Spear', and had a carefree confident expression, he goes by the name Kitamura Motoyasu

"Kawasumi Itsuki, seventeen years old, also a high schooler."
The 3rd of the four to introduce themselves was the one in green, wielding a 'Bow' and had a kind polite expression, he goes by the name Kawasumi Itsuki

"❲Gagamaru Chougasaki, whatever, hm...❳"
The last one of the four was Gagamaru Chougasaki, though when he introduced himself, it was quickly ignored and probably wasn't heard by the King, to which was find with him, as he was also not paying attention to anything that was happening around him, as he was in the middle of messing with the 'Shield' that was stuck on his arm and won't come off, no matter how much he struggles or even managed to actually remove it, he would just not leave his body

'❲So it's permanently stuck on my arm, huh❳'
Even with that fact, Gagamaru wasn't to bothered by it, since it wasn't trying to hurt or bother him in any way, though what did annoy Chougasaki was the fact that he was given a 'Shield' of all things instead of something cool

'❲Why a Shield? I already have my Minus for defense, so what's the point of even having this?❳'
Before Gagamaru could complain about the cliche or irony of the weapon he was given, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard something that definitely caught his attention

"-Then Heroes, you should all check your statuses."
As soon as Aultcray said this, the Polite Minus couldn't help but look at the corner of his eyes and saw a icon, and after focusing on said icon, some kind of menu screen popped out before him and show off all the information that was presented before him

Gagamaru was so excited to be in a Isekai with a video game type system, no doubt being some type of 'Gamer' himself, he couldn't help but get so excited that his neatly combed hair started to spike up and almost turned wild, which made everyone in the throne room look at him weirdly, and made a certain King glare at him slightly

"... The sun is about to set, rest up tonight and set forth tomorrow."
With all that said and done, Aultcray decided to call it a day and discuss the rest tomorrow, allowing his servants to show the Cardinal Heroes to their rooms for the night, once the four were left in a place to rest and sleep for the night, the Invincible Gentleman just sat down on a random chair and continue to mess with his Menus Screen, seeing what he could learn and experiment on what he could do

"Wow, you really seemed to be into this whole 'Cardinal Heroes' thing, huh?"
Itsuki, as well the other two Cardinal Heroes, couldn't help but noticed the excitement and eagerness that Chougasaki express

"No kidding, especially with such a reaction you gave in the throne room."
Ren couldn't help but be disappointed with the way the Polite Minus acted, it was so rude and inappropriate, not to mention it gave a bad impression for the King

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