Chapter 3: Arrival

Start from the beginning

Akali had dislocated her arm.

- Withdraw again my friend as you just did, my group, or my skate crew... And I promise to dislocate your other fucking arm.

And her hatred dispersed as she let go of the woman. Xian tumbled to the ground and hands arrived to hold the brawler away as she spat at her enemy. Akali had quickly stopped showing signs of resistance.

- It's okay, I'm done.

The rest of the group, used to fights, had enjoyed the female show. That was good. It avoided Akali to get into trouble too. Jaehyeon and her group were smiling. This was only the thousandth time they had witnessed a personal punishment from their friend. They knew what their sister was capable of. The world had already stopped paying attention to the two clowns on the ground, but some friends of theirs had taken them away, probably to go to the clinic. The biker picked up her helmet and came back to Evelynn who had the look of a parent towards her child who had just committed a mistake.

- Don't dare look at me like that. I tried to hold back, okay?

Yes, Evelynn had seen it, and yes, Evelynn knew her friend was having trouble containing her anger. But tonight? Was it necessary? This was exactly the kind of scene that would have been worth talking about when they got back to the penthouse, as there had been so many.

- Okay, okay people! yelled the girl who accompanied Qiyana to get everyone's attention.Before that spicy fight, you saw that the arrival was hot. We took a right eye and the car that came in first was... Henry E-M!

Henry finally had a real smile on his face. He clapped his hands together in congratulations. Jiho scratched his forearm.

- That's weird. That's not a tie.

Akali glared, and thankfully, Qiyana preached Evelynn.

- Yeah, you guys were almost there at the same time. I tried to convince them that you had ahead start on him, just to pull a fast one, but it wasn't enough. Sorry girls.

If the music was lower, the group would have heard Evelynn's laughter behind her smile. She had almost beaten a guy who spends his time doing this type of running when she never does. It was... Absurd. Henry, to make a good appearance, stepped out of the crowd and headed for Evelynn.

- You did great up there.

- It's not bad, right. I had my angel with me. Did I scare you so much that you threw two of your own after me? It is not much? she said while approaching.

The answer which had been given to him was a fair laugh that hid an obvious shame. It was an opening for Evelynn to disgrace it in front of him.

- I know I'm dangerous.

She slipped her index finger along his cheek of Henry, nailed it to the ground, and went down the nail until his jugular where she mimed a cut that went up towards the chin.

- Enjoy your victory, she finished by miming a kiss.

The crowd would pick up the frozen winner with a roar. The boys gave Henry fierce looks while Akali and Qiyana laughed on the verge of tears with "Oh my God" and "What a killer." Some of the crowd, impressed with Evelynn, stayed close to her for the opportunity to talk to her.
Akali satisfied that her friend received the praise she deserved, did not notice that the person who had split her during her fight was Ekko, who had just pushed Akali in a friendly way.

- When are you going to coach me so that I can test in real life? There are a lot ofpossibilities. Besides, if I end up against little bastards, you can get me out of my shit and so on... Don't you want True Damage to become a part-time rodeo team? Wouldn't that be cool?

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