15 - unraveling the truth

Start from the beginning

I have to get this right. I need to be clever about this.

The first thing I need to do is act like nothing's wrong. She can't get a hint of anything suspicious, and so I need to get her to warm up to me.

I hope I don't regret this. 

When the doors open to my apartment, it's silent except for some background noise coming from the lounge which I presume is the TV. When I left to leave for work, the whole house was clean, no traces that there ever were a party to begin with.

I'm glad I can trust Leonardo to sort shit like that out, and I still need to kill Ren for making me waste time on Mia. I can't afford to do that shit.

But a part of me, a very, very small part, is questioning everything in my head right now. If Mia was that drunk out of her ass, would she not have said something? Maybe I could have used that as an opportunity to reel information out of her, but I had no idea we had a mole until after she fell asleep.

I sigh and walk towards the noise in the lounge. All the lights are off in the house, leaving the glow of the moon to light my path.

I spot the TV on, and two figures lying on the sofa.

I move closer to get a better look.

Gianna is sprawled out, her whole body planted horizontally on the sofa with her head on the armrest, and her arm around Mia's sleeping head.

She's wedged between Gianna's body and the back of the sofa, squished up against the cushions. She has no space whatsoever because of Gianna who sleeps like a pig. 

Mia's knees are brought up to her chest, and she's curled up against the side of Gia, her head on her arm as light breaths cause her chest to rise up and down. 

She looks boiling hot in those sweatpants she's wearing, and a blanket draped lightly over the bottom of her legs. She's wearing a crop top, the colour unknown to me because of the darkness in the room, except for the light from the TV, shining on her sleeping face.

She looks so peaceful and calm, her eyelashes softly hitting her under eyes and her long dark hair splayed out over her body like an extra blanket.

I hesitate before moving closer and gently scooping her up, careful not to wake them both as I hold one arm under Mia's legs and one under her back.

Her head automatically rolls to hit my chest, and for a minute I think she's going to wake up, but she only shifts and hugs her arm around my back.

I freeze.

I should put her down.

I should leave her.

I shouldn't be doing this.

I push those thoughts away. I need her to warm up to me, and maybe this is how I do it. She is my wife after all, and it's not like I can't touch her. 

I have a feeling that's not going to be the best idea though. 

I start to make my way up the stairs and towards Mia's room, then at the last minute, I take a detour.

She can sleep with me tonight. Maybe if she wakes up in my room, she will be more comfortable around me, which will ultimately make it easier for her to trust me so I can get information out of her.

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