War with a Prince

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Few hours later~

Now the sun was rising. Her dark black eyes became a vibrant green in the warm glow of its light. She assessed her situation.She was entangled in her silk sheets. Her hair was splayed out underneath her and there was a warm body pressed against her icy cold one. A head of black hair blocked her view of the door. From underneath the dishevled hair she saw the happily sleeping face of her freckled lover using her chest as a pillow. She had niether the heart or the energy to push him off or away.

She moved her hand to his messy hair. Clutching a handful then releasing it in a soothing manor. Receiving a content hum in reply she stared up to the cealing. With a wave of her free hand she created a thought projection of the Medusa Cascade. The heart of the GrandLine and the location of the Kingdom of Discord.

"Is that where your home island is?" she heard him ask after a while.

She felt him shift so that he was propped up on his elbows on his side of their bed. A curious look upon his freckled half asleep face.

"Mhm..." she replied quietly as he decided to lay beside her and watch the projection of the astral storm that surrounded her kingdom.

"My kingdom resides in the Medusa Cascade...surrounded by an astral storm to keep your kind out of our hair..." He turned to face her a bit confused.

"My kind?" he mused. She turned to face him as well.

"Yes my prince...your kind...pirates and Marines alike..." He gave an 'oh' as if he had misunderstood at first.

She pressed a small kiss to his nose before getting up and getting dressed.

"I thought it was my turn to cook." he said following suit.

"As much as I find comfort in your company, I have to tell you your cooking is shit." She smirked.

He opened his mouth to retort but found it was too true.

"Fine...pancakes and bacon." he nodded with a cheeky smile.

"Yus..." she gave a slight chuckle at his childness and left to the kitchen.

Soon enough, to her slight discontent, he had to leave. As they said their goodbyes, he told her that if she could, to meet him in Alabasta. She pulled off the orange hat he had put on her earlier and fixed it onto his dishevled hair.

"I'll be there My Prince..." she said giving him a small kiss goodbye.

But he pulled her into a tight embrace that warmed her up from the cool mornings wind.

"You know I love you, right?" He muttered quietly into the crook of her neck.

She nodded. A tiny voice in the back of her mind said she could never be loved. Another said to say she loved him back. Both were loud in her ears and she hesitated on what to say next.

"Yes, I know...and I care for you too..." she replied in a quiet voice. As if unsure what she said was true. "So be careful and I'll see you in a week or two."

He nodded as he let go and dropped down to his one man, fire propelled sail boat. That trade mark smirk she had come to find comforting facing her as she stood there in only a shirt that was too big for her and a pair of cheap flip flops. Her long hair that reached the ground blowing silently behind her. A smile adorning her doll like face.

"You too love..." and with that he was gone.

When he was out of sight, she sat against the mast of the seemingly broken ship. The sounds around her became unmuffled and she became aware of every surrounding around her. The sails billowed loudly in the wind and the black flag with a bloody horned skull was flying proudly. As if of cue, upon seeing the flag, dark black horns grew out from beneath her long hair. Curling to look like a rams. A long vistigial tail with a tuft of fur at the tip grew out behind her and her ears became more pointed. Her pupils seemed broken in thirds with a red center and her four sharpest teeth became even sharper. She gave a slight chuckle and ran a hand through her hair. It became pitch black.

My Sweet Prince [A Portgas D. Ace love story]Where stories live. Discover now