How He Saved Me Chapter 3

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*Smut Warning*
Dean smiles and nervously scoots closer to Castiel with his hand lightly touching Castiel's, "Yeah Sam stays here from time to time but here but here latley he's been looking for his own place me and Bobby think he might have met someone", Dean said as he tried to watch the movie but he was more focused on Castiel then the movie as he nervously decides to lay his head on Castiel's shoulder. "Um...I hope you don't mind me laying my head on your shoulder Cas" Dean said as he looked up at Castiel for a moment with a smile on his face. Castiel smiled at the feeling of Dean resting on him, "of course not I dont mind at all make yourself comfortable", he said nervously having the feeling that his heart was beating out of his chest and it's like he had butterflies in his stomach. But what do all these feeling mean Castiel thought again to himself as he has never felt this way when it had came to anyone...just Dean. Dean was hoping Castiel wouldn't notice how nervous he was to be sitting this close to him but the way it looked to Dean, it looked like Castiel was just as nervous as he was but he wasn't sure though. Castiel tried to play things cool he always thought angels wasn't suppost to show feelings or emotions, angels were soldiers, warriors, they wasn't suppost to feel at least from what Castiel has always been told but yet, somehow he had all these feelings all at once. Dean mumbled "fuck it" under his breath and put his hand in Castiels, Dean was very nervous cause he wasn't sure how Castiel was gonna respond to him holding onto his hand. Castiel looked down at Dean holding his hand then looked back up at Dean feel some sort of spark as he met his eyes with Dean's, "I hope you don't mind if I um...hold your hand as well" Dean said softly as he looked deep into Castiels bright blue eyes as he watched his eyes flicker a brighter blue just like they did before. Castiel let our a soft smile with his face feeling hot, it actually felt really nice his hand being in Dean's. "This actually feel quite nice", he said as he kept looking in Dean's eyes. " Sam's been talking to someone like uh...I don't know the correct terminology to use" Castiel said clearing his throat feeling like he had just slightly embarrassed himself. Dean looked down for a moment at him and Castiels hands still in eachother and he smiled as he felt some sort of a spark between him and Castiel, "Yeah Sam has been talking to some girl he met awhile back and really likes, he's been talking about getting his own place so she can live with him" dean said as he looked back up in Castiels gaze. Dean thought to himself about how blue and beautiful the angels eyes was and how he could easily get lost in his eyes as he couldn't help but place his other hand on Castiels cheek lightly. Castiels smile only grew more and he was happy he could be close to Dean without worrying. "Would Sam and this girl be together like Adam and Eve was" Castiel asked Dean being curious. Castiels breath hitched a bit and as he leaned his face on Dean's hand feeling a feeling of what felt like excitement and happiness. He felt himself look down at Dean's lips and back up into his eyes and he wondered if Dean would do the same to him. Dean smiled as he noticed Castiel was smiling "yes I think Sam and this girl would be like Adam and Eve" dean said with a smile. Castiel looking deep in Dean's eyes said, "you have nice green eyes Dean" he smiled as he noticed Dean's face get alittle red. Dean felt his face get bright red and he knew Castiel could see just how red it was. "Thanks Cas but if I had to pick my own eye color it would be blue like yours" dean said as he was still blushing, he suddenly had the thought about kissing Castiel for some reason but he also didn't want to take the chance of making Castiel uncomfortable or he didn't know why he was having the feeling to begin with but he never felt this way for anyone else before. Castiel bit his lip alittle and leaned in closer. He felt like he wanted to kiss Dean badly but was afraid to and he hoped that it wasn't to obvious to Dean that he wanted to. "I think your eye color is fine the way it is i think it's nice that you have green eyes" Castiel told Dean nervously thinking to himself that Dean's green eyes made him feel calm and at home. After a few minute of him and Dean eyeing each other Castiel took a deep breath and silently prayed that Dean wouldn't pull away from him as he pulled Dean closer kissing him softly, to Castiel after his and Dean's lips met firework exploded and it felt amazing to Castiel and he only hoped it felt the same way to Dean. Dean gently kissed Castiel softly in return, he then gently wrapped his arms around him. Dean felt all kinds of feelings in that moment and felt butterflies inside he knew then what all the feelings that he had felt for Castiel from the moment they met was at that point, it was love and he knew at that moment that he loved Castiel more than he had ever loved anyone else that he had ever been with before and smiled brightly as he looked more deeply in Castiels eyes. Castiel then smiled warmly and rested his hand on Dean's leg. At that moment Castiel felt happiness being there with Dean. He knew then thst he didn't ever want to lose Dean or leave his side if he didn't have to. Castiel didn't know how to explain his happiness but he did know he didn't want it to end and in one swift motion he pulled Dean on his lap and kissed him again only this time more deeply. Dean kissed back deeply in return wrapping both arms around the back of Castiels neck loving every moment with Castiel. He knew then that he didn't want to be alone anymore and that he always wanted Castiel by his side and that Castiel was all he's always wanted. Dean gently rubbed Castiel's hair with his hands keeping himself close to Castiel. Castiel smiled he pulled Dean even more close to him. He had never felt like this with anyone and he was happy that it was only with Dean, He felt blissful and like he was in heaven. Castiel felt a tightness in his stomach and in his pants and was unaware of exactly what that ment he just all around felt different. At that moment Castiel pulled back from Dean and looked in his eyes, "um did I do something wrong" Dean asked with a sign. "Oh no you didn't do anything wrong Dean it's just...iv never done anything like this before with anyone..." Castiel said looking down at his feet. Dean put his hand on Castiels face, "Hey its ok Cas neither have I...well not with a guy anyway" he said looking at Castiel with a soft smile as Castiel looked up and smiled pulling dean in a deep kiss. Dean kissed Castiel deeply in return with a smile as he pushed Castiels trenchcoat off onto the floor as Castiel took Dean's shirt off. Before  Castiel slowly took his close off as dean took his off and he looked Dean up and down admiringly as Dean done the same. "Are you sure you want to do this Dean" Castiel said looked in Dean's eyes, "iv never been so sure about anything my whole life Cas" he said looking back in Castiels eyes with a smile he looked at Castiel alittle nervous as he watched Castiels eyes light up a light blue color and before Dean knew it Castiel took full control pushing Dean against the wall. Dean let out a small moan as he wrapped his arms tightly around Castiel as Castiel pushed himself inside of Dean as Dean and Castiel moaned at the same time. Castiel looking in Dean's eyes for permission to continue to make sure dean was ok as dean nodded for him to continue, Castiels trusted alittle quicker as Dean's grip on Castiel got tighter Castiel moaned alittle more loudly and alittle more rough. Dean moaned loudly as Castiel moved him from the wall to the couch, as Castiel trusted more quickly inside dean he held Castiel even closer to him, he didn't mind Castiel being alittle rough with him he trusted him and felt safe. Castiel suddenly had a feeling he couldn't describe as he looking in Dean's eyes as they both moaned he came inside dean moaning even more, he knew then what that sudden feeling was that he had felt as he pulled out of Dean. As Castiel laid on dean more catching his break he looked up at Dean who was shaking just alittle. "Are you alright Dean, are you hurt" Castiel asked alittle worried but felt alittle realized as dean nodded his head. "Yes I'm ok Cas I promise I just need a minute to catch my breath" dean said laying there holding Castiel in his arms. After a while Castiel got up and wiped himself off and he began putting his clothes on as Dean did the same. Dean and Castiel couldn't help but smile at eachother as they finished getting fully dressed, "Hey um Dean" Castiel said nervously. "Yes" Dean said walking over to Castiel, "I...I love you Dean Winchester" Castiel said as he looked deep in Dean's eyes, "I love you too Cas" Dean said with a smile making Castiel smile in return. Dean really did love Castiel with everything he had. "Look Dean, I think we should keep us a secret for now I dont think your brother Sam and friend Bobby would be to happy if they found out about us." Castiel said as nervous wondering what Dean was gonna say. Dean signed but he knew Castiel was probably right he thought there was no way Sam would be happy about this but at the same time Dean didn't care but if Castiel thought it was a good idea for them to keep eachother a secret for now, Dean respected that. "Ok we can keep us a secret I think your right about Sam and Bobby not being to happy about it". Dean and Castiel smiled at eachother "I have to go now Dean I promise I'll be back soon" Castiel said with a warm smile as he touched Dean's arm, "you promise" Dean asked, he didn't want Castiel to go but he also knew Castiel had things he had to do in heaven and with the other angels. "I promise I'll be back soon" Castiel said with a smile, he hated the idea of leaving Dean but he knew he had orders to attend to, as Castiel and Dean said goodbye to eachother Castiel disappeared leaving Dean standing there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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