07 | Intrigue (2)

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Author's note:
A continuation of 06. I cannot drive myself to write anything long enough to count as a chapter, but that type of work does not suit me.


07.1 | Concern - Conflict of the Lion and the Scholar

"Leo. A moment, if you have one."

"What is it?" Leo asked, following closely behind the third king. He knew that the question wasn't necessary as they both knew what happened. Anyone would know- rumors usually spread like wildfire in the technology-heavy kingdoms of Illyria, and one regarding the Kings needed very little to get around. Nonetheless, Leo wished that wasn't the case, and Daryl knew that.

"Our reputations are at stake... though we weren't all that favored in the first place," Daryl began, his voice lacking emotion. "Surely you have heard of the allegations- this 'relationship' that the people assume we are in." He averted his gaze, almost as if he was unsure of himself. "Our only way to save face is to dispel these rumors. Just so we are clear, we are allied in the development of Illyria. Nothing more, nothing less. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Ha, of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" With feigned certainty, Leo nodded. "Neither of us would engage in such taboo relations... let alone with each other."


"Was that hesitance in your voice, Daryl?"

Lost in thought, the third king turned to face the window. "Perhaps it was. But no use fretting over it- I've taken you away from your work for too long."

TO DAZZLING DARKNESS, scrapsWhere stories live. Discover now