Clint nodded "yeah, um...tell Nat I said hi."

Steve nodded "will do." He replied as he took his car keys out of his pocket

Clint gave a curt nod before turning around and walking to his pick-up truck, opening the door he paused as he heard Steve's voice once again.

"What am I supposed to do?" Steve asked as he fiddled with his keys and looked up at the archer

Clint sighed as he turned to face the blond "talk to her?" He suggested with a shrug "Be there for her, let her know that your not going to leave her side." He added simply

Steve shook his head "I'm not good at the whole 'being there for people thing', it's one of the reasons why I've never been in a serious relationship."

Clint rolled his eyes "well, your gonna have to learn, that or leave her and never come back."

"What?!" Steve asked thinking that he hadn't heard him right

"You heard me. If your not going to be there for her emotionally you mine as well not be there at all. Trust me, I know Natasha better than anyone and all she's wanted her whole life is for someone to be there for her the way she is for everyone else." He said

Steve nodded in understanding

Clint cocked an eyebrow "so, I'm going to ask you, Mr. Steven Grant Rogers, are you going to be there for her...or are you going to leave her like a coward?" He challenged

Steve sighed "I made a promise, not only to Natasha but to myself and that was to be there for her in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Clint smiled lightly "so you're staying?"

Steve nodded "yeah, yeah I'm staying."

Clint nodded "good." He said before turning and getting into his truck, shutting the car door behind him. Clint rolled down the window and looked at the blond one last time "take care of her." He said

Steve smiled "I will." He replied before walking over to his car and getting inside and heading to work


The ride home was one filed with many questions for the blond. Like, why would two people have the tape? Why would Natasha agree to being filmed in that way? And who the hell actually had the guts to mess with Steve Rogers wife?

As Steve turned into his driveway his eyes widened in surprise as he saw his wife outside talking to his father.

Joseph was never one to show up to places unannounced, he always called first, that's why it surprised the blond to see him.

'What the hell?' Steve wondered as he got out of his car and shut the door behind him

Steve furrowed his eyebrows as he walked up to the pair that were now laughing at something Joseph had said.

"Dad?" Steve called out in confusion

Joseph turned to his son and smiled "ah, Steve, good to see you my boy."

"What are you doing here?" Steve questioned as he walked up to the pair giving his father an awkward hug

Joseph shrugged "I just came to check in on you guys, see how the honeymoon went and invite you to a family vacation you're mother put together."

"Vacation?" Steve questioned

Joseph nodded "yes, you're mother thinks it's a good way for all of us to get to know Natasha better." He explained as he put a gentle hand on Natasha's shoulder and gave her a small smile which she returned

Steve scoffed "shouldn't you guys of done that before we got married?"

"Steve-" Natasha started with a scolding look as she looked at her husband

"No, it was his idea for us to get married in the first place and now he wants to get to know you? It just doesn't make any sense." He defended crossing his arms over his chest

"Look, I didn't come here to argue with you Steven! You two are more than welcome to come but if you don't want to you don't have to." Joseph said before walking over to his black 67' Chevrolet Impala.

Joseph turned to look at his son as he opened his car door "meet us at the airport if you want to come, you're mother will be disappointed if you don't." He said before getting into his car and driving away

Steve watched as his father drove away and the gates closed behind him. He let out a huff of annoyance as he put his hands on his hips, turning around he looked at his wife who had a small smile on her lips.

"We're not going." He said firmly before walking past her and into the mansion

Natasha followed close behind him, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"We have to go, you're mother has worked so hard to plan this trip we can't just not go." She argued as she walked into the mansion shutting the door behind her

Steve turned to the blonde, his hands on his hips and an eyebrow raised "what would the tabloyds think if they saw us on a family trip not even a week after the tape that was leaked?" He questioned

"You know about the tape?" She asked as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked down at the ground ashamedly

Steve scoffed "of course I know about the tape. The whole damn world knows about the tape!"

Natasha pursed her lips together "right, yeah, I know." She said lowly as she looked back up at the blond

"Do you?" He questioned "because if you actually think that going on this trip is good for you're career, your wrong!"

Natasha nodded as tears glistened her emerald green eyes "your right. Um, I've had a long day, I'm going to go take a shower." She excused as she walked past the blond and up the staircase

Steve watched behind his wife and huffed tiredly as his hands fell from his hips and landed at his side.

"Natasha-" he called and she turned to look at him "I'm sorry, it's just, you're career is in a really bad place right now and I know how much it means to you." He explained

Natasha gave him a small smile and nodded in understanding "yeah, I get it. Um, you should go though, you're mom really wants you to be there." She said before continuing up the stairs

Steve sighed as he walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch. Rubbing his hand over his face he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his cellphone. He scrolled through his contact list until he found the one he was looking for and clicked on it.

The phone rang a couple of times before it clicked and a masculine voice answered on the other end.

"Steve, what can I do for you?" The man asked

"Hey Frank, you still have contacts over at Marvel Mag right?"

Frank clicked his tongue "yeah, I do. Why?"

"I need you to do me a favor." He replied as he leaned back against the couch

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