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(Daaaaaamn, i forgot this book even existed, it time to post the third chapter finally)

(Perma ' s POV

When I opened my eyes I observed the new things that were found in the room, there was a Nest made out of different colored fabrics and some type of fluff, I saw a round bowl of water and another full of berrys, ' they think I am a herbivore? Hmm that is sad ' I thought gloomy ' My hunger is going down fast ' I get up and walk over to the bowl of berrys, I then look straight into the one way window and knock the bowl of berrys upside down (Like a fucking cat) then walking towards the nest and lying down my back facing the door. I heard a sigh and the doors opened, some Humans in orange cloths came and cleaned up the mess and some others brought in meat, once I smelt it I looked over my shoulder to see a bowl of flesh, meat instead of vegetables, I purred loudly and stared up towards the reflective surface and wiggled my ears, I looked down towards the meat, I opened my mouth and started to eat the meat. After finishing them, I walked over and settled into my nest.


(Perma ' s POV)

I felt trapped and cold being in an enclosed space for a month... i miss the fluffy clouds in the bright blue sky, I miss the sun making me feel warm and safe. I spread my now fully healed wings in the small space, I then hear that they are going to bring in an SCP called SCP-049, 'I wonder how this will go' I thought to myself thinking how they will look.

I heared the door open and the gaurds leading in a seeming to be male humanoid creature that was dressed in all black leather-like material, He was wearing a bird like mask and had silver eyes.

We made eye contact and a staring contest insued for around 2 minutes before the 'man' blinked, "I do not sense the Pestilence in you" He said to me as I just stared at him with my lavender eyes.

After 30 minutes of me and him just observing each other the men in armour came to take him out, My pupils turned into a slit when I spotted them and I moved back a bit sue to seeing their weapons, Suprisingly the 'man' allowed them to bring him back to his containment cell.

Before they took him out he nodded at me as he says "I hope we get to meet again Aeries". My eyes widened when he said my species, I coild hear the scientists through the black circle on the roof yelling to 'write my name down' ' Fools, they think Aeries is my actual name ' I thought to myself.

After about 1 hour has passed I started feeling sleepy again, I decided to go back to my nest and lay down to sleep. Once i was settled into my nest I put my head down on my paws wondering what will happen tomorrow...

(A/N: HELLO I AM ALIVE!! So in my absence the aeries changed from herbivore to carnivore so I had to rewrite one part of this chapter, I may dissapear again due to school.
But another thing I want to say is that I have a chapter of another story under writing and It may release soon, I hope you guys show love to that story too B) also happy 2023, I'm sorry I didnt get to tell you guys that last month. But I will try to.make.up for all the time i have lost while being away! Anyways Aurora Out!)

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