YEAR 1: Chapter 4: Brick Wall Brawl

Start from the beginning

Ophis smile widened as she heard his thought. She didn't need to set traps. She wanted to tease Y/N and that's what she'd do. Wrapping her arms around Y/N she pulled him into her chest.


Ophis leaned down to gently whisper into his ear. "If you do well in school, I'll be sure to reward you~."

"WOW! OKAY! WE SHOULD GO BEFORE IT RAINS!" Y/N pulled himself away from Ophis and frantically speedwalked to Cafe Alps, Ophis following behind with a slight smile.

"Hehe. O kawaii koto~." Ophis chuckled, before blinking in surprise. "Where did that come from?"


Mizuki stood outside of Cafe Alps. She had asked people for directions to the Champion District, but due to the fact it was full of bars they refused to tell her. So she was here hoping Y/N would be in the mood for coffee.

"Ugh, it's gonna rain." She complained while looking up. "I should've listened to daddy and brought an umbrella."

Scanning the streets once more, her eyes finally spotted her target. Y/N sighed upon seeing her wave frantically.

"Great, time to do some free babysitting. I should charge for this." Y/N and Ophis walked over to her.

Mizuki looked up at Ophis. "Um...hi."


"Just ignore her." Y/N walked inside, dragging Mizuki behind him. "While you're here, help me with my english."

Now a normal person would walk away the second Y/N started making demands. But you see, Mizuki Kujikawa is no normal girl.


"Don't be rude."

Y/N rubbed the back of his head. "What are you my mom?"

The two worked together on their english, Mizuki breezing past it. However, Y/N's small brain could only comprehend so much moon speak, so after a few hours they took a break.

"No way!" Mizuki slammed the table, shocking some of the patrons.

"Yeah, I ran away and my dad decided it was too big a hassle to drag me back." Y/N sipped from his cup of coffee. "Fucking old man. What's so wrong with my mother that I can't even know about her?"

"That's terrible." Mizuki commented. On the outside, she was fine. However, inside she was an emotional wreck. "*sniff* I'm so lucky to have a loving family!"

Y/N looked out the window, his eyes narrowing. "So, any creeps following you. Perhaps a 14 year old boy with black hair and a ponytail?"

"Huh? That's specific."

"Just answer the question."

"Well, I wasn't exactly paying attention while I was waiting for you." Mizuki shrugged. "Besides, almost everyone in Japan has black hair. W-well, not us, but you know what I mean."

Y/N's stare turned into a glare, whatever he was looking at realized it was spotted and ran off. "Hmph...must be my imagination then." Y/N changed the subject, not wanting her to panic. "Looks like the rain let up. Somebody picking you up or...?"

Mizuki shook her head. "My family lives at Kamurocho Hills."

"So you're rich too? Figures. Well, we'll walk you over. C'mon."

Y/N left some money on the table and began making his way out of the cafe, Ophis and Mizuki behind him.

The two continued their conversation while they walked.

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