V - " so this is love mmmmMMmMm ,,

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THE DAY DRAGGED ON WEIRDLY, Viktor now had a friend in EVERY class. thankfully. her and Brady decided to ditch everyone and sit alone.

they sat farther back in the forest, far back enough away to not hear them super clearly. it was better than sitting close to them.

"why're we sitting back here again?" Brady laughed, sitting on a blanket that Viktor brought.

"so we can be together alone, y'know, talk." she said, shrugged and sitting directly in front of him. their knees touched.

he watched carefully as a smile spread across her face, it wasn't a fake one. he knew only because it was a smaller smile. something she'd told him.

"y'know, when i actually smile it looks really small." she admitted over call, listening close as Brady hummed.

"that's cool, mine is just a normal smile." he replied, laying on his stomach with his phone in hand.

he kept track of a lot of things she told him.

maybe because he wasn't cool enough to admit his silly little love feelings for her. but, maybe he didn't have to, maybe she would. and she did.

"listen, Brady. i can't keep acting like i just wanna be your friend. i like you. as more than a friend, if it wasn't obvious." she rambled, placing her hands delicately on his knees.

she watched his face as it contorted from confused to happy.

"i like you too, Viktor. i just didn't wanna admit it, you know?" he laughed, placing his hands on hers.

"loser." she mumbled before they both leaned in.

y'know that thing, where everyone says first kisses are magical? they aren't wrong, but it's more than magical.

she knew that every little thing they did she wanted to be more than friendly things. she wanted to be with him, even if it killed her in the end.

"does this make us a thing?" he whispered as they pulled apart, their faces tinted with soft pink colors. Viktor nodded and kissed him again while the bell rang.

maybe everything would be okay.

we are the alpha males
viktor, finn, idylla, rebecca, madeline, milo, and myles

guys guys guys

yo what's up

where'd u sit during lunch i missed u

i was busy

kissing someone

who's name happens to start with a b


what bec said jeez u took ur time


leave me alone 🙁

so u decided that kissing ur bf was more
important than sitting with us alpha emo
slaytastical extremely radicalsies baddies?

bro omfg we'll sit with u tmrw bbg ok

bro ditched us to kiss someone

i feel left out


from mars
FUCKING FIANLLY also madeline is my inner thoughts cuz now we have 4 parts left lolzies

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