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IDYLLA AND VIKTOR WERE TWO UNLIKELY GIRLS YOU'D SEE NORMALLY, but alas; one failing one class while the other just plain out struggled with hers, they were sat in a isolated area of the library.

Viktor was helping Idylla first, after all Viktor found herself as an English whiz.

Idylla was pretty, in a gay way - as Viktor would say.

now, Viktor was a bisexual... she had ever right to like Idylla. i mean the girl was beautiful and Viktor was a flat out bisexual who expressed love to girls often.

her first girl crush was Finn, as in the Finn she's friends with. the two actually found themselves dating for a few months - ending it to just be friends.

after Idyllas work was finished, the two found themselves working on Viktor's homework.

"wanna go somewhere? to hangout, you know." Idylla whispered.

Viktor balanced the odds, all her friends were already hanging out. she felt a little left out, in all honesty, so she nodded.

the walk was full of funny remarks of stupid shit the teachers have said, and just getting to know each other.

turns out, Idylla is the youngest child of six. her parents are always showing that they're in love - no matter what.

soon enough, they found themselves at a smaller icecream shop. it was nice, it was quiet - almost deserted on the inside.

"i'll get my regular, and she'll have..." Idylla trailed off.

"mint chocolate chip, please." Viktor finished, smiling to the elderly worker.


viktorpetrovv this mf SUCKS at rollerblading btw!!! @idyllaalennox

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viktorpetrovv this mf SUCKS at rollerblading btw!!! @idyllaalennox


idyllaalennox no i don't ☹️☹️☹️☹️
viktorpetrovv idyllaalennox who r u LYING to
idyllaalennox viktorpetrovv myself 😔😔

riverslovesarlo looks like you two had fun!

whoknowsarlo did u have fun w/o us??
viktorpetrovv whoknowsarlo idk did u have fun w/o me

idyllaalennox this is false info my feet just hurted
viktorpetrovv idyllaalennox is that also why u we're holding onto the railing?!?!!?! lying cunt
idyllaalennox viktorpetrovv this is hate speech and i won't stand for it
viktorpetrovv idyllaalennox u weren't in the photo
idyllaalennox viktorpetrovv DIE BRO

finncuomo slay pussy queen boss
viktorpetrovv finncuomo what the fuck

from mars
chapters seem short but they aren't ily all

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