"I couldn't-someone-people-" Looking back, you try and explain, but nothing but a mix of what you want to say comes out, choking you as the air becomes trapped in your throat. You keep your eyes on the direction you came before his hand is bringing you back, worry only making you more panicked.

"One breath at a time, Doll," he instructs softly, his eyes looking up towards the group in thanks as he kneels in front of you. "Did someone touch you, Y/N?" His question is more angered than the gentle tone he had just been talking in, but his hands speak a different story as he looks over your body, eyes slowly coming back to your face when you shake and nod your head at the same time. "Steve, find Stark."

"Got it."

"Too many-Couldn't find you-he grabbed me." Bucky can only watch as you sink down the rabbit hole of panic, your eyes red and fully allowing the tears to escape as you shake in his hands. Steve was already gone, and Sam is holding a glass of water, offering it as he gets you to finally meet his gaze. "So many people, dad."

He nods when you get the full sentence out, grabbing the glass from Sam while pushing your hair back. Sweat is forming along your hairline, something he knows so well from the nerves that eat him up from the edges in.

"Are you hurt, Y/N? Did someone hurt you?" He looks over your shoulder once he sees Stark rushing towards the small circle that had formed, a few of the security details right behind him. He cups your face once again when your eyes drift back to the stairs, your breaths heavy and tears full. "Sweetheart, tell me what happened."

"He pulled me back, but I was only looking for you-I couldn't find you, dad, I couldn't find anyone." Rambling, Bucky is able to catch onto what you're saying, used to the quick panic attacks he is able to catch. You keep things to yourself. "He was drunk, and-I just wanted to find you, Dad."

"I'm right here," he whispers calmly, nodding when you finally take a large breath in. "Who was drunk? Scott, Bruce-"

"I don't-I don't know. I think he broke my wrist-I didn't know him." You gesture down to your painfully bruised hand while continuing to talk, Tony now trying to figure out what was happening while listening. Bucky looks down to see your swollen hand, his hand gentle when lifting your arm to expect it more.

"Fri, give me a scan," Tony instructs, holding his hand up to let his watch scan your wrist as your father looks up at the other two men behind you. "The bones are wedged apart, we'll need to cast it before anymore damage can be done and they snap apart."

"Sam, find some of the staff, see if they're sober enough to work, if not, I'll be in med." Bucky looks back at you before standing fully, his hands resting on your shoulder and head, fingers moving throughout your hair in a more calming manner. "Do you think you can point out who it was if we went down there? I need to know who did-" He stops short when you shake your head, grabbing his hand and squeezing. Anyone would cringe if they weren't used to it, his eyes slowly building with his own tears when he sees how desperate you are.

The same look Natasha had given him. The woman who had risked her life for his so he would have a better life with his daughter. And looking at you now, he can't help but see that same look of desperation and need for him how she had given him the last few second he had seen her as you breakdown again, shaking in fear and most likely anxiety right in his grasp.

"We're going to med," he announces with no other words, slipping his arm over your shoulders to hold you tightly as he walks to the elevator. He leaves the group with no other order with no guilt hanging on his chest, only anger and pain at the sight of you so broken under his watch.

He promised her. Promised he would look after you to give her closure you were safe. That she could do what she always wanted. Protect you. And now, he can't even keep some drunk off of you at a party he thought would be good for the both of you, his hand keeping your arm elevated as it continues to swell and you can't even think properly to tell him what the hell had happened. Or speak. Or stop shaking.

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