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Having 5 prier concussions, four of them were from my father and of course the last one was from Ricky I know I have to stay up and not fall asleep....and it was a very long and difficult night! But, my long sleepless night wasn't just because I knowingly had to stay up, not sleeping wasn't hard, it was the fact that I was terrified all night....thinking those two guys would come barging in my apartment. What if they had been following me and knew where I lived? Luckily, Luna gave me a lot of comfort and made it so much easier, she's such a good girl!

As morning approaches I'm starting to doze off when my buzzer rings. I go to the door and click the voicebox button.

"Who is it?" I spoke a little skeptical.

"It's Steve, from last night."

"What do you want?" I asked confused.

"Well, I would tell you but I don't think you want everyone outside to hear." I buzz him in.

I already have the door open when I see him walk up, I notice right away that he went up the stairs and didn't use the elevator but I never really did either, it was so slow! As he walks closer to me it's hard to miss how attractive he is when he gives me a little grin, I keep my stern look. He looks down at Luna by my legs and pets her head, Luna licks his hand, I'm really taken back by this....she's such a traitor!

"What are you doing here?" I ask very bitterly.

"I wanted to check on you, make sure you were doing okay."

"Look, I told you last night, I don't need you checking on me. I appreciate what you did for me but I'm fine now, so leave me alone." I start to turn away from him.

"Wait...." He starts to say.

"No, I just want to be alone! Even though you helped me I don't trust you, I don't know what your game is but I am not falling for it." I angrily blurt out.

"Game? What Game?" He asked looking confused.

"I know your type, no man does anything for a woman for no reason....I don't trust you and am not falling for it, so good-bye." I shut the door in his face.

I take a deep breath and I actually feel bad, Luna even whimpers at me. I look down at her and roll my eyes, regretting this decision. I open the door and he's already starting to walk down the stairs.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a bitch and I do really appreciate what you did for me even though I know your up to something....and if I haven't said yet, thank you." I said in one breath. "Your probably thinking why did I ever help that bitch, I should have left her alone."

He walks back up to me and folds his arms in front of him, "so your thanking me but also insulting me by saying I'm going to hurt or do something to you? That I have some scheme up my sleeve?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and the slightest grin.

"Yes. You're all the same, every single one of you is a lying, scheming piece of shit and just because you have a face like that doesn't mean your going to fool me....your a man after all." I coldly tell him with my arms folded. I'm waiting for him to cuss me out or just leave like all of them do when I tell them off or insult them.

"Your welcome."

"What?" I asked stunned.

"I said, your welcome." He repeated.

"Why are you being so nice? I have been a total bitch to you all night, I just insulted you and that's your reaction." I snarl, I'm getting really annoyed that he's still being so nice.

He softly exhales, "look, I get it. You went through a lot last night, I couldn't even imagine what that was like for you....and I bet it didn't help you waking up in a strangers home....but mostly I know what it's like when people don't turn out to be like you thought and making it hard to know who to trust....and for the record I would never regret saving you and I would do it all over again." He softly smiled, I'm speechless.

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