Casual meeting

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Why was she even there? She didn't know, or maybe she did, but it was too complicated and even thinking about it made her get the headache that was haunting her from that morning.

Yeji sighed and took courage to enter the club. Honestly she had never been in anyone, but she had heard about it from her friends, especially Lia, and from what she had understood this was well known club but at the same time well hidden, better for her. She still didn't know what she was doing there, why of so many places she'd decided on a club and one in the middle of nowhere, why she'd snuck out, risking discovery, risking that something would happen to her... and maybe if she would stop and think about it a second longer, she would find the answer there menacingly present in front of the doors of her mind, but she was afraid to face it and didn't want to, so going back now wasn't an option.

After being able to walk among the crowd of drunken teenagers dancing, she finally reached the bar and sat down at the corner farthest from the crowd, the quietest... as far as it was allowed in such a venue.

She ignored the music that was destroying her poor ears, or the smell of alcohol that reached her nose and was so strong that it seemed to be burning her nostrils and the lights that alternately illuminated the room with different colors and disturbed her sight... she simply sat on the stool and for the umpteenth time on that day she lost herself in her thoughts.

Not long after, she heard the sound of some footsteps, a presence before her, and a voice she thought she knew quite well by now, though she hadn't heard it many times before that day.

<< What can I offer you? >>

When she looked up, her eyes crossed paths with the darker ones of a girl in a white shirt. The blue of her hair reflecting under the lights of the club did not escape her attention and immediately her doubts were answered.

 The blue of her hair reflecting under the lights of the club did not escape her attention and immediately her doubts were answered

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Neither of them moved for a few seconds. Both girls were too busy observing each other, noticing the surprise drawn on both faces.

<< Yeji? >> Ryujin was the first to get out of that state of wonder-shock, but that didn't mean that seeing the brunette there in front of her eyes was less shocked than you might think.

<< Um, you work here? >> The brunette asked with hesitation, not knowing well how to answer the girl, of course it was her, who could it be?

<< Yes? >>

<< Oh... >>

If there was a prize for asking the most obvious questions, well, they would have won both.

<< Um, why- I mean... aren't you supposed to sleep at Lia's with Yuna and the other girl with the, huh, black hair? >> The blue managed to form a sentence with a bit of difficulty, but the surprise still hung over her and as if it was having fun, it seemed that it was playing with her mind, preventing her from creating meaningful sentences.

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