Treat not so harmless

Start from the beginning

<< Has it happened before? >> Maybe, she was curious, maybe.

<< What, that they had argued before? >>

<< Mhm. >>

<< Ehm... >>

<< Yuna? >>

<< Yes, it has already happened, but I can't tell you anything else about it, really Unnie. >> So there was more to it than just the arguing...

<< Okay, well, Yeji was fine, a little upset, maybe because of anger, but nothing serious. >>Why was she lying for that girl? But part of her thought that maybe what happened after the fight had to remain between the two of them, or so he thought Yeji wanted.

<< Can I ask you another question unnie? >>

<< Of course. >>

<< Why did you intervene? >> Why did she intervene?...

<< Because Yeonjun is an idiot and I was starting to hate the nonsense that came out of his mouth? >> It was the truth, it was really hard to hear all that nonsensical noise.

<< I understand, but I was surprised to hear it. Weren't you the one always telling me to stay out of trouble? >> Oh Yuna, if you only knew...

<< That's right, you need to stay out of trouble. Now I have to go, I have to work >> She answered as she entered the club, greeted by the music that rang throughout the room.

<< Yah, Unnie, why do I feel like you're not telling me the truth? >>

<< I'm sorry, Yuna-ah, but I really have to go... >> She went on, making her way through the crowd of sudden dancers emanating a perfume that was a mixture of alcohol and sweat.

<< Yah, Unnie- >

<< Be sure to have fun with your friends and go to bed early, goodnight Yuna-ah. >> She said before hanging up and approaching the counter where she would have to work.

<< Finally, I thought you were lost for Seoul! >> The voice of her colleague could barely be heard because of the music and the chatting of people at a rather loud volume.

<< I'm sorry, Chan. >>

<< Don't worry, I covered for you with the manager. >> A genuine smile greeted her on the friend's face.

<< Thank you. >> She smiled back and then took a seat behind the counter and started her work.

She looked at the blonde man waving at her and then getting lost in that ocean of people. She didn't like to make friends, but it had become an inevitable thing with the boy. After all those months of working together and maybe the sympathy they feel for each other in having to be in a similar dump for a little money, they decided to become allies and not enemies. After all this time, having someone to rely on besides her sister was more important than she thought.

<< Two Old Fashioned! >>

Maybe the music had been turned down, maybe the people around her had suddenly stopped talking, but she had managed perfectly to hear that voice.

<< Hey, did you hear me?! Two Old Fashioned! >>

The second time that voice reached her ears, her eyes rose from the bar where she was already preparing another cocktail and met with a couple she had begun to dislike.

<< Are you deaf? I said... Shin Ryujin?? >> In front of her there was in all its glory Choi Yeonjun and the expression of wonder immediately turned into a grin on the boy's face, while he carried his thumb towards the nose and opposing it against the skin of a nostril, pulled up with his nose.

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