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its a funny word.
a word used too often that people forget the real meaning of it.
its as if its a myth.
everyone knows about it, everyone claims to have it,
but how can one be so sure?
you cant see it,
you cant hear it,
you feel it.
you feel it in you.
a your body that you should love.
its what makes you, you.
so please dont bring yourself down over it and learn to embrace those different things about you.

everyone bases love around a significant other,
but how would you love that other if you have no love in you?
i feel as if people are so focused on the fact that they have someone important to them that
they forget their own importance.

love is within you, and of course youll find it within others as well,
but nowadays, people forget about their own love,
so focused on everyone elses.

you are loved, by many people,
but you also need to love yourself.

that is love.

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