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tw: taking advantage??

TARA acted like she was fine without jake, but inside, she was hurting more than ever. she didn't know how she got attached to the tall boy so quickly, but it definitely happened. she wished he didn't do what he did. she longed for his touch and for normality. all the girl wanted was for the boy to be back in her life.

JAKE on the other hand, was doing just as bad. he wanted the girl just as badly. he knew he fucked it up, but it truly wasn't his fault. he needed to text her and explain, even if she didn't listen. he needed that girl. so, he went to notes and started writing before copy and pasting his paragraph to the girl.

jake webber 🖤:
tara, ik you're prob not gonna
listen and i'll admit, i do deserve
that but i need to get this off my
chest. tara, that girl is my ex. now
i know you're not gonna believe me
when i say this, but i am truly not into
her. she was recording us for what she
said was a youtube video for her channel.
something about ' answering questions
with my ex ' and we answered a few and then she just kissed me. i'll admit it. i was
drunk. i know it's not an excuse but it's just
how it was that night. i didn't think about it
and kissed her back. she screenshotted that
off the video and posted it. she told me i needed to act like i loved her ' or else '. i told her about you, tara. first thing i said when i got in her car was " i'm into someone right now, so don't try anything " but she got me drunk and that happened. i'm so fucking sorry tara. i need you, actually. it feels so weird not being around u. i'm sorry for the shit i said and did. and for leaving you that morning, i was running to the trap house to get some clothes so i didn't think id be gone long and then that happened. now, you don't have to forgive me. but that's the truth. i love u tara. promise.

AND to the boys surprise, she started typing back almost immediately. he was more anxious than ever, watching the bubbles move in sync each time. but he waited, all he needed was to hear her words, telling him to come over and he'd drop everything and be on the way. he really loved the girl.

jake.. i'm sorry, you don't deserve that.
and you don't deserve me being a bitch to
you rn, but, how do i know if you're lying
or not?

jake webber 🖤:
you don't have too, but i needed
to get my truth known to you.
it's you, tara. you're the only one
i want.

i miss you jake
i have for so long.
come over

jake webber 🖤:
i'm on my way

i love u

jake webber 🖤:
i love u

those two needed to
work things out fr.
also, finally a jake explanation
hope u guys enjoyed

forever | jara fanfic Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora