"Yeah, that would be great."

He nods and hands me a shirt, luckily those two bastards didn't rip my bra or pants. I walk into his bathroom, turn the sink on and take a hard deep breath. While I'm waiting for it to get hot I look in the mirror and I'm about to remove my bandage just a little to see my chest for myself but I suddenly can't do it, I don't want to see it! I notice the couple gashes they left on my cheekbone and lip, I try to wash my face but it's so painful, I can barely touch them. I begin to get flashes of those two men....him touching me, holding me down where I couldn't move, the rage in both their eyes....seeing the knife right by my face....feeling it pierce my flesh and I sob as the running water muffle them from Steve but just to make sure he can't hear me I cover my mouth with my hand.

After I was able to calm down and compose myself I change my shirt, it's pretty big on me but it's better then what I was wearing and I walk out and he also has a clean shirt on getting his keys. I hadn't even realized his shirt was covered with my blood until now.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Where are we going?" I asked a little confused.

"The hospital." He answered. God, I'm not thinking straight!

"Oh yeah, sure."

We're going down the elevator to his parking garage and he's trying to help me walk since I'm so sore but I refuse to let him help, "I'm fine, I can do it myself." I strongly state and jerk my body away from him, he doesn't say anything he just steps away from me. When we do get down to the garage I notice he has a car and motorcycle. "I usually use the motorcycle but of course we'll take my car." He explains with a slight grin, I just nod in approval.


We've been here at the hospital for hours, I told the cops everything and Steve hasn't left my side, he's sitting in the chair across from me. I can't believe he's still here, he's making me a bit uncomfortable, it's hard to explain why since he hasn't done anything but be a gentlemen....but I know he's not, all men are the same!

I've been waiting for about 25 minutes for the damn doctor to show up with my test results. She has already stitched me up but am waiting to see if I have any internal injuries, just to be safe. "You don't have to stay with me, I'm fine now."

"I'm not going anywhere until I know your home safe." He insisted.

"But I don't need you anymore, I'm fine." I confidently state.

"Well, with all do respect Ma'am I don't care, like I said I'm not leaving your side until your safely home." He gives me a firm voice and look like I couldn't change his mind, our eyes are glued for a few seconds before the doctor comes in and interrupts us.

"Okay, we got some tests back. First, like I said before you are very lucky that they didn't cut any deeper, those will take some time to heal....you do have a concussion but other then that your okay. Now have you ever had a concussion before?"

"Yes....5 of them," I quietly revealed after a few seconds, Steve looks at me a little stunned.

"Wow okay, well I would make sure someone comes and keeps an eye on you. Do you have a relative you can stay with?" She asked me.

"No....I will be fine, like I said it's not my first concussion."

"That's exactly why I want you to be with someone." She strongly advises. "Now, who's going to stay with you?" I don't know what to tell her.

"I will, I will be there with her." Steve blurts out and it's my turn to look stunned.

"Great, I'll get your medication for your stitches and you can get out of here." She says before leaving the room.

"Thank God." I exhale, Steve extends his arm to help me step off the bed but I don't take it, I force myself to get down by myself even though it hurts like hell.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Steve questions me.

"Yes, I can do it myself. I don't want your help." I strongly declare.

"Okay." I hear him mumble to himself as I walked past him and out of the room.

Steve drops me off in front of my apartment. "Okay bye," I quickly spoke before starting to open the door.

"Wait, how about I come by tomorrow and check on you, I told the doctor I would...." Steve started to offer.

"No, you don't have to. Look, I know you just said that to shut her up. I'll be fine, so just leave me alone, good-bye." I quite coldly interrupted him mid sentence.

He was going to say something else but I got out of the car and shut the door before he could and went inside quickly. I look out the apartment door window and he leaves a couple minutes later and as I'm slowly and painfully walking up the stairs to my floor I do feel a little guilty of how I acted but I was never going to see him again anyways. Besides I'm not falling for it, there has to be a reason why he's being so nice, especially since I have been nothing but rude to him and I'm not going to be fooled by his good looks. Yeah, he's VERY attractive and in a romantic comedy or a fairytale he would be the leading man but I know that fairytales don't exist. When I was little I would watch movies like Cinderella and Snow White to escape from my father, wishing that I could be them by getting out of my terrible home and into the arms of Prince Charming but those are just fairytales.


Author Notes: Isn't he sweet staying and worrying about her? I know she is still being mean but it's going to take a lot to win her trust.

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