Chapter 2

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The cyanic sea glistened in the morning light, with fierce waves crashing at the shore releasing a salty sea spray in the air. Even though the beach was quite, Seret still hid in her secluded spot under the pier. Barnacles and algae painted the bottoms of the pillars that were grounded into the sand. Seret felt a nerve-wracking amount of guilt in her stomach at just the thought of what she had said to mum. Would it have really been the worst thing ever if she didn't go for the camp-out, Seret asked herself. It felt like going on the trip didn't even matter in the first place. Maybe all she really wanted to know is if mum was ready yet to let her go. She reached for her necklace and fidgeted with it. There still was a tiny spark of hatred left in her though. Why had mum been so unfair? Why would she make her feel so loved and in the end deny her a right to freedom? Her fist began to clench around the stone. 'Why mum?' said Seret as she ripped off her necklace and threw it at some nearby rocks. She then crouched into her crossed arms and sobbed. She thought about the first time she found this place. She was ten and decided to take a little detour while strolling with mum in the mall nearby. Accidently she ran into a group of about four seventh graders who teased her in school. They saw it as their perfect opportunity to get at her since Riley wasn't there to protect her this time; nobody was there. The biggest of them, named Lance, said to her that it didn't matter if she tried to run or not, nobody would miss her in the end. She made a run for it, thinking that what he said wasn't true, but she was caught by another one, Kenny, who took out a pair of scissors and said, 'Its about time we fix this little freak, ain't that right Lance.' Their plan was to snip off every strand of her ghoulish hair and then stain her face back to life. They had managed to cut her hair just until her ears before a sliver of courage rushed through her and she pushed Kenny back and made a run for it. She found sanctuary in a small nook below the pier. She hid and waited for a long time with hope that someone would find her; anyone. But after hours of waiting, she began to feel abandoned. So she curled up in a ball, and cried herself into a deep sleep. She woke up the next day in bed. Mum had been worried sick and got the police involved, but even so, ever since then, she wondered if what Lance said was true? She felt her hair that now had grown, has it really been so long, she thought. Unexpectedly her memories faded when the corner of her eye was caught by a blinding blue glow coming from the rocks. She discreetly stood up and made her way slightly forward towards the light. She knelt down and the light was completely put out. Her face was tainted with confusion. Then, she began to hear a voice. She looked behind her startled but discovered that she was alone. She realised the voice was possibly coming from the stone. It was a man's voice, yet it sounded very gentle and sad. He said in a very hushed tone, as if he was whispering, 'My dear, my deepest apologies are to you. Please remember that I only did what I had to do so that you could have a bright future. Please forgive me. I love you very much.' There was then a scruffy sound of shuffling and a woman started to speak, 'Seret, I - I love you. You must stay strong. Find the others, they'll -' and with those words, there was a click and the audio stopped. Seret looked again at the stone, it looked completely ordinary now, no mysterious voices or unnatural glow, just an ordinary stone laying on the sand. Seret's mind felt boggled. What on earth just happened? Who are the others? How could a stone play a recording? All these questions flooded her head. She stood up shocked. She was not certain of what she just heard but, if what she thinks it means is true then...
She turned away from the sea and saw Riley in a near distance walking towards her. Seret quickly rubbed her eyes and dusted her clothes. She snatched the necklace from the sand and shoved it into her pocket. Riley walked up to her and asked 'Are you alright?'

'How did you find me?' enquired Seret.

'I got worried when you were late so I popped by and found your mum crouching in the kitchen crying her guts out. She asked me to find you. She told me where you could be too. Now answer my question, are you alright? I heard what happened.' Rileys eyes were filled with concern.

Seret thought to herself. If this is true, I promise that I will tell you, Riley, but first, I need to hear the truth for myself. 'Yeah I'm fine. Why don't you go on to school, huh?' said Seret as flatly as she could manage.
'You know if you need to ever talk, I'm here for you right? I understand it must be hard for you. Being back here and all-'
'I said I'm fine.' said Seret cutting Riley off. 'I'm just going to head back home. I forgot my backpack.'
Riley turned to her right and saw Seret's backpack laying on the sand. 'Okay then.' Riley didn't feel like trying to sympathize with Seret. She knew Seret well, and that means that if Seret became guarded it would be best to let her open up to you when she's ready to. Riley gave Seret a sincere hug and then made her way back to school. Seret waited until she was out of sight and then headed back home.

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