mine (Millard)

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Alma's P.O.V :

I was watching the kids play ,they all looked so happy the twins were playing with claire ,Fiona running around with Brownyn,Horace reading his book under a tree ,Jacob and Emma helping the squirel back on the tree he fell off and Y/N ,Millard and Hugh are playing soccer , i couldn't help but laugh at how Hugh uses his bees to distract Y/N and Millard so he can take the ball .

i had to go back inside to get dinner ready and just as i was setting up the table i heard one of the kids yelling so i quickly walk outside only to see Y/N yelling at Millard "FINE THEN DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN" i saw her run inside and before i could say i word she rush to her room.

these two are inseprable and it's so abvious that Millard likes Y/N in a 'more than friends way' ,he was always so protective over her and they were so adorable together .

Millard's P.O.V  :

i tried to talk to Y/N after dinner but as soon as i stepped into her room she teleported herself downstairs ,i didn't want to push her so i just let her be , i went downstairs and took a seat next to Enoch since Jacob was next to Y/N ,i hated how she laughed at evry single thing he said i'm sure he's not even that funny ,she's supposed to be talking and laughing with me not him , i don't get what she sees in him anyway .

i was pulled out of my thoughts by Olive nudging me "hey are you ok ,you didn't talk for a while and you're never quite unless something is bothering you" ok i felt a bit offended by that "i'm fine ,i just have nothing to say" she gave that 'are you serious look' "really ,not even a comment about Hugh wearing his shirt in a wrong way?" i looked at Hugh and realised he had worren his shirt in a funny way "nice shirt Hugh" he looked at his shirt and immediatly went to his room to change it ,everyone started laughing exaept Y/N who was still in a conversation with the tall awkward guy .

Y/N's P.O.V :

i loved hanging out with Jacob he's funny and we have a lot of things in common like we both love playing soccer and we both come from the future ,i heard everyone laugh at something Millard had said but i just brushed it off and carried on with my conversation with Jacob .

i miised hanging out with Millard ,i miss his jokes and the way he would protect me ,i also miised how we always pulled pranks on the others and even on miss peregrine sometimes .

Emma would always make sure to tell me that i'm so in love with Millard ,she's right i do love him but i'd never tell anyone that cause i'm not sure if he likes me back and after what happend earlier i'm not even sure if he wants to speak to me .

everyone started going to sleep but i stayed behind helping miss peregrine  do the dishes ,after we were done with the dishes i went to my room and just as i wanted to close the door Millard stoped me "Y/N we seriously need to talk" i sighed and let him in "ok then what do you wanna talk about" he stepped into the room and sat on my bed so i took a seat next to him "i'm so sorry about earlier ,i really can't stand being away from you ,and seeing you interract with Jacob kills me"i couldn't but let a tear fall from my eye "it's fine ,i overreacted"and then i realised  what he had said "wait a minute ,why do you have a problem with hanging out with Jacob ?" he took a deep breath and what he said left me speeshless "cause i like you ,more than friends Y/N ,all i think about everyday is you and all i wanna do is be with you , but i always thought that i have no chance with you cause you're always with Jacob and you have a lot of things in common with him ,i was just afraid of losing you for good" i didn't say anything i just wrapped my arms around him and said " i like you too weirdo" .

we talked for a bit but he had to go back to his room before miss peregrine could come and find him in my room .

i woke up feeling extremly happy and before doing anything i ran to Emma's room telling her what had happend the previous night and she was just as happy as i am .

we were playing outside when Jacob came toward us "hey Y/N i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometimes ,like a date maybe" i was shocked but before i could say anything i felt someone wrap their arm around me and i immideatlly knew it was my now boyfriend Millard "sorry Jacob but she's mine" Jacob left after a really awkward encounter "you're mine" i heard Millard whisper in my ear "yes i'm yours and yours only"

A/N : sorry i'm a bit late on this one but here you go

           requested by Mad-world-of-Meyrin


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