Part 3: SNT Boom 1 + Confession Kiss

Start from the beginning

Sonic looks up into the Tree's as he starts gaining on the Hybrid Girl.
The Hybrid Girl doesn't listen and just keeps on running, swinging, and leaping. Before long, SNT leaps up to a nearby mountain ledge as the two tails behind her spin around. Then, SNT climbs onto to it as Sticks blocks the way, calmly, causing the Hybrid Girl to slowly back up as Sticks approaches her.
Sticks the Badger: Look, we just wanna-...
Before Sticks can finish, SNT starts slipping, Sticks and SNT becoming fearful and worried.
The Hybrid Girl: W-WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, WOAH!!!
Sticks: OH CRUD!!!
Sticks runs to the ledge as the Hybrid Girl falls, Sonic looking up as the Hybrid Girl begins to fall. Sonic quickly notices, runs up to, and leaps onto a nearby yellow mushroom and fly up towards the Hybrid Girl. Sonic, quickly, grabs onto the Hybrid Girl as he goes towards the Mountain's side, Calmly and Focused.
Sonic: Hold on tight!

Sonic lands onto the side of the mountain before leaping toward the ground, still holding the Hybrid Girl in his arms as he does both with astounding ease, and without a scratch on himself, nor the Hybrid Girl. Sonic looks at the Hybrid Girl and, confused, calm, and concerned; quickly begins to examine her, making sure that she's uninjured.
Sonic: Are you alright~?
The Hybrid Girl begins to struggle and squirm around in Sonic's arms, panicked and frantic as she tries to escape his grasp.
The rest of Sonic's friends calmly approach the Hybrid Girl, but also keep their distance as Sonic gently puts her down, Calmly, and Calmingly.
Tails the Fox: Listen, I know you don't have any reason to trust us... and we don't blame you. But you can trust us when we say that we're not going to hurt you.
The Hybrid Girl begins to calm down as Knuckles kneels down, looking her in the eyes, very Calmly.
Knuckles: Exactly. I may be incredibly strong, but I have no plans on hurting you unless you're a Badnik.
The Hybrid: W-What's a Badnik...?

Sticks: Heh... we'll explain later, ok?
The Hybrid girl nods, still a little shaken as Sonic, calmly, puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Sonic: Come on, how about you come stay with us until we can find you a place to live~?
The Hybrid girl nods her head, trusting in her new allies.
The Hybrid: O-Ok...
Amy smiles and gives the Hybrid girl a gentle hug, calmingly, making the Hybrid Girl blush slightly as she hugs back.
Amy:  If it makes you feel better, I can definitely carry you there~.
The Hybrid: N-No thanks, I'd rather not get carried~!
Amy Smiles.
Amy: If you say so~!
The Hybrid Girl smiles slightly, still a bit scared as she follows Team Sonic through the jungle. After a bit, Sticks looks at the Hybrid Girl, curiously.

Sticks: So, what's your name?
The Hybrid Girl looks at Sticks, confused.
The Hybrid: What's that?
Sticks: What's what?
The Hybrid: What's a... name?
Sonic looks at the Hybrid, confused, as he keeps walking.
Sonic: You know, what people call you~?
The Hybrid Girl's eyes widen, reassured.
Hybrid Girl: Oh~! (Unassured) Oh...
The Hybrid Girl looks at the ground for a moment as she thinks.
Knuckles: (Calmly) SNT.

The Hybrid Girl looks at Knuckles, Confused.
Hybrid Girl: What?
Knuckles: (Calmly) It's on the back of your swimsuit thing.
Hybrid Girl: (More Confused) What's a Swimsuit?
Sonic looks at the Hybrid Girl, Calmly and Casually, with a smile on his face.
Sonic: We'll give you a crash course when we get home~! But until then, SNT sounds good~!
SNT, the Hybrid Girl, looks around a bit as she smiles gently, calmness in her expression.
SNT: Yeah, SNT does sound nice~. Also, what does home mean~?
Tails looks at SNT and Smiles.
Tails:  Home is where you live~!

Sticks: Speaking of which, here we are~!
Team Sonic, and SNT, arrive on a beach with a House on the grassy forest beginning nearby. Sonic Opens the door, revealing a surprisingly big house interior as everyone steps inside.
Sonic: Ah, Home sweet home~!
SNT nervously sits down on the couch as Amy walks past, calmly.
Amy: Ok SNT, if you're going to be living with us, you're going to at LEAST need a new outfit~!
SNT looks up at Amy, confused.
SNT: What's an... outfit?
Amy giggles as she helps SNT up, Confidently and Happily.
Amy: Well, SNT, you're about to learn first-hand~!
Amy takes SNT's hand and walks into her room happily as the Scene transitions to half an hour later. Amy exits her room, SNT nervously following close behind. Amy obviously stands in front of SNT, hiding her new outfit as the rest of Team Sonic looks in confusion, very confident as she begins to speak.

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