The Almost Tragic Past

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I remember the night. The very night my blood ran cold and my body grew limp. I remember seeing hell through two very deadly eyes. It continues to make me see what I truly can't un-see.
-This is the story of Wilbur and his most explicit nightmares that came to life-

Here I am.
in my dreaded room again. I've seen things here and there. Things people wouldn't comprehend. Not to mention even kids at school noticed my lack of sleep. I would fall asleep during class and my best friend Chris would have to tap me on the shoulder to catch the next class. I was an above average student for the most part. I wasn't very much in becoming too "friendly" with people ,but there is a reason for that. I knew I would see their future. I know it sounds crazy but I was given some sort of "gift". It occurred because of that one night I will never forget....

3:00 a.m. I awoke choked up and out of breath. I searched around the room to see what lured me from my sleep. There it was. Dressed in black, hood up and blocking out my TV.
I could hear the static it was causing. Like it was absorbing some sort of... Energy.
It disappeared for a good moment and I relaxed thinking I was seeing things.
Until, My bed started shaking "who the hell are you!" I screamed. It answered back with a deep raspy voice. "I am here for your soul." "I am here because the underworld needs you." Frightened, I tried punching at it but it caught my wrist. "arghhh!" it's grip burned a bit of my skin. I was forced to stare into its ugly, putrid soul. I froze. I could not move a muscle. My mind instantly went into a coma like state.
I came back to it with my mom in the room. "Wilbur, Wilbur?!?! What the hell happened to you?" I sat there and cried until I could actually speak a couple days later. It changed me forever.

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