Chapter 17: Being Special Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

I shook my head free of the pointless thoughts and equipped both of my dual wielding pistols, using a hand gesture that I learned from a previous skirmish with a group of other players.

Shit, I just realized...did I remember to tell Asuna about how to quick-select a weapon like I just did? I...I don't think I did. She's probably going to be mad at me about that. Must have slipped my mind.

I pointed one of my pistols at my unsuspecting opponent, aiming down the sights.  I took a deep breath before firing my weapon and, unfortunately, because of my distance from my opponent, the shot, barely, missed his head.  My opponent, now alerted to my presence, pointed one of his weapons at me and began firing.


With how fast the bullets were being fired, there was no mistaking that his weapons weren't pistols like mine. No, they were obviously sub machine guns, putting him at a slight advantage over me. A few of the shots managed to hit me, dealing some damage to my hp bar but, by moving to one of the fallen debris, the rest of them missed me and hit the debris, instead. My opponent wasn't letting up and continued firing his sub machine guns at me, even though I was hiding behind the debris.

Why the hell is he still firing? I thought to myself, trying to understand my opponent's strategy. It doesn't make any sense. If he keeps this up, he's going to run out of ammo. Whatever, it's his loss. I'm not going to let this opportunity slip.

Just like I had predicted, the sound of bullets hitting the debris above me, abruptly, stopped. As soon as it did, I stood up from the cover and began firing my dual wielding pistols at my opponent while he was reloading. I was able to take out a large chunk of his health before he, similar to I did, took cover. Rather than hiding behind a piece of debris, he was standing behind a fallen column, that was most likely supporting the structure that had fallen. While he did this, I reloaded my weapon so that they would be ready to fire, again. I pointed both of the pistols at the column he was hiding behind.

"You're good!" shouted my opponent, behind the column. "Although, it makes sense! You were the best player in SAO, right? The big bad ass fucking hero, who saved all the other survivors, right?"

What's this guy talking about? I thought to myself. His voice doesn't sound familiar so I don't think I know him from anywhere. Maybe, he heard or read about me on the news?

"It must be be treated like that! Treated like you matter...treated with your special! It's no surprise that Asuna ended up with you, instead of a nobody like me!"

Wait, why the hell did he just mention Asuna's name?

"Who the hell are you and why do you know who Asuna and I are?" I shouted back, finally, taking my opponent's bait.

"Me...I'm nobody special...just someone...that Asuna was nice to when we were both younger. She was the only one, who thought I was special...all I could do was admire her from a far, though because I lacked the confidence to tell her how I feel."

That's fucking creepy, I thought to myself, disturbed.

"When I saw the two of you walking together at that special school for the SAO survivors, it shouldn't have been surprising that I would find her walking with you. Of course, it was too late to tell her how I felt. She had already fallen for the bad ass savior of SAO...The Black Swordsman. When I saw that, it made me realize that the one person, who thought I was special, was gone...taken from me by someone, who didn't deserve her! Without Asuna, I'm just...back to being a nobody and I refuse to let that happen without fighting!"

"You creeped on Asuna and I at our new school?" I asked, feeling myself getting more and more bothered, the longer her talked. "What the fuck is wrong with you? If you had something to say to her just tell her to her face. Don't hide in the shadows and stalk her!"

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