Chapter 15: I Have to Win This Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Asuna increased her running speed by an even greater margin, now moving at a speed that she hadn't achieved in the game, yet. Luckily, a figure appeared in front of her...there was no mistaking that it was her opponent. Asuna leaped into the air as soon as the effect of "Bullet Time" wore off. As soon as it did, more bullets exited the assault rifle, that her opponent was using but none of them hit Asuna since she was above her opponent, now. Asuna, mercilessly, swung down her saber and managed to slash her opponent's face, causing the opponent to stumble back. Asuna, despite the sand blowing into her eyes, now had a much better view of her opponent, who was wearing goggles, that had been broken by her saber, and a gas mask that covered her mouth. Asuna didn't have time to get fixated on the appearance of her opponent and slashed her pink photon saber at her, again. To her surprise though, this time her opponent had managed to block the strike with her assault rifle. Asuna pushed the photon saber into the weapon as hard as she could but was met with a boot to her stomach which knocked her back a few feet. Before Asuna could catch her breath, her opponent pointed the assault rifle at her and began firing, again, hoping to end the match but Asuna wasn't going down like this. With shocking speed and agility, Asuna rolled towards her opponent, rather than to the side of her and blocked the bullets with her photon saber. Once Asuna was close enough, she round house kicked the weapon out of her opponent's hands, leaving her completely vulnerable. Asuna began swinging her photon saber at the girl standing in front of her and she managed to get a few cuts on her, sending her health down to about 50%. As soon as Asuna began to obtain enough confidence to believe that she may actually win this fight, her opponent tossed something at her. Asuna almost swung her photon saber at it out of instinct but realized what it was before she did so. It was a grenade and if her photon saber hit it, it would blow up right in front of her face, eliminating her in the process. Rather than using her saber, Asuna kicked the grenade back towards her opponent with her left combat boot.


The grenade had gone off just far enough away from Asuna, that she wasn't damaged by it at all but the same couldn't have been said about her opponent. As soon as the smoke cleared from the explosion, Asuna could see that her opponent was lying on the sandy ground, with her health at 3%. The girl's grenade was so powerful that her opponent had almost killed herself by deciding to use it. Asuna got closer to the girl so she could study her appearance a little bit more. The gas mask had been destroyed in the explosion so there was nothing preventing Asuna from seeing her opponent's face, any longer. The girl seemed about the same age as Asuna, maybe a little younger and had dark hair. Asuna was shocked back to reality when she saw something that seemed odd to her. The girl was doing something with her fingers, even though her eyes were still closed. All of the sudden, they shot open and the girl sat up, pointing her sidearm at Asuna, which seemed to be some kind of pistol.


Asuna blocked the bullet with her pink photon saber that was, luckily, still activated and she kicked the gun out of her opponent's hand, before she could fire off another shot. The girl's pistol landed on the sandy terrain, a couple of feet away from her opponent. Panting from the exhaustion of the fight and because of how little health she had, Asuna had difficulty speaking, by this point, same as her opponent, who was in just as rough of shape as she was. Asuna was still confused by how she equipped her sidearm, without accessing her menu.

She was going to ask her opponent about this but, to Asuna's surprise, her opponent was the first to speak, "Y-You're...You're her...The Lightning Flash," the girl said, sounding surprised.




First Day of The Bullet of Bullets Tournament:

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