Chapter One

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Ava Jane Griffin had her whole life ahead of her believing that she'd always conquer her dream, this dream was to be an author of fantasy romance. However her life is one that many considered void and in all thought that …. Ava wouldn't live beyond what her doctors told her parents.
Ava defeated the gods and defied belief and became someone that she never thought she would be… authouress. Her first debut novel was named The enchantress. 

Ava took her iPad with her wherever she went. She had no reaso to think why people would object to her writing career knowing then there was going to be some who would be not so fond of what she chose to write, She had decided to set the enchantress over in Jersey the setting was Elizabeth Castle. 

But then, she knew deep down that there'd be some who would love the genre that she was writing fantasy romance. 

So, here she was sitting at home trailing the internet for connecting flights to Jersey in May. 

Her friend Ella popped by " hey ava! You all set for Jersey then"? Ella asked with excitement bubbling beneath the surface in the pit of her stomach, " Hell yeah I'm ready I can't wait"! Ava replied with glee, Ella peters over the screen " booking the flights as we speak"! Ava clicked confirm…. We're definitely going to Jersey now"! Ella clapped her hands excitedly at the prospect …. " just think you could meet your dream man over there too"! Ella giggled. Ava scowled at her friend and shook her head " you know I have no time for that Ella! I have to do this research for this book otherwise I'm screwed"!

The enchantress Chapter 1

Aurora Throne was a princess born to a wealthy family strong headed though she was her parents insisted she marry Aurora refused to listen to them as she carried on fighting that threatened the land she hunted. " Rora! You cannot fight, you are a princess"! Cried the Queen in despair, her father was furiously loyal to his daughter " My dear! Rora has a strong head upon her shoulders and she knows what she's doing … don't you darling"? The king smiled at his only child timidly as the Queen huffed in disgust. 


Both her mum and dad were beyond proud of her; they could not have been more proud, her father Jonathan told her always that she could be anything that she wanted to be as did her mum was slightly over protective of her, " I don't understand why you must go so far sweetheart"! Her mother Helen stated, " oh mum! I'm nearly 30 years old. I can't have you and dad lug me around forever….besides it'll be fun I'll have Ella with me so I'll be fine …. Try not to worry"! Ava replied with a kind smile giving her mum a generous hug. 

" Hel she'll be fine…..she's made of the good strong stuff aren't you chicken"? Her dad replies, squeezing her cheeks. " dad please stop it, you silly arse!'' pleaded Ava laughing. 

It was the middle of April now so it wouldn't be long before she'd be packing to go Jersey on a research trip with Ella in tow. " oh I can hardly wait!'' Ava thought to herself. 

Ava had cerebral palsy. She was mobile sometimes but she needed her wheelchair for some things like this…. Jersey was an island and it was big. There were a fair few hills but Ava just didn't give two hoots; she stuck her two fingers in the air to people who said she couldn't do anything, she was heading out to Jersey on 19th May. 

Ava loved nothing more than adventure being out there over in the channel islands would be a welcome distraction from her mum dissing her dad trying to deter her from going mad with fright or worry

By the end of April/ beginning of May …..

Over the course of the month Ava quietly gets in with writing her fantasy romance.

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