"Where is Sonali?"

"Out with her friends, what did you want to talk to me about?" Samar asked as he sat down beside me and looked at me worriedly.

"It's nothing to worry about, I just needed your advice about something."

"Okay, shoot."

"Okay so yesterday, Sonakshi came to the office to see me and I don't really know what has happened to her but she doesn't seem like before, she was acting so strange. I mean she knows I am with Khushi now and how serious I am about her yet she kept on telling me that I should be with her instead and she still loves me and all that.

She has been literally stalking us, anytime Khushi and I go to a restaurant for a date, we would always end up finding her there, I've tried so much to explain to her that I don't feel the same way about her anymore but she doesn't seem to be taking it seriously."

"Wow... does Khushi know about this?"

"No... I haven't managed to tell her, I thought it would be better if I didn't tell her about Sona's intentions, she's already insecure enough, this might stress her more."

"So what advice do you want from me here?"

"I just need to know how to deal with her... I mean I really feel bad for her and what she had to go through but she can't use that as an excuse and try to ruin my relationship with Khushi. After she came back it did a lot of damage to our relationship and I'm scared she's planning on doing more and I just don't know how to handle it." I looked at him sadly.

"Okay, so here's my advice, you might not like it but I'll speak the truth. We all love Sonakshi and nothing could have been better if you two would have been together but maybe destiny dint have it so... everything that happened with her was terrible, but she didn't go through it all alone, we all did, we all suffered the pain of her loss, especially you and Asha, so yes she has been through a lot but so have you and I never thought I'd get to see you this happy again until you met Khushi.

All those times during my wedding when I'd see the both of you together, something felt right about it and when Sonakshi came back I decided not to say anything to you because I didn't know your feelings at that time, I didn't know what was between you and Khushi and I didn't know whether it was anything similar or more than what you and Sonakshi had so I decided it was better I stayed silent and let you make your decision on who you'd want to be with and after it all you chose Khushi.

I don't know how your relationship works Arnav but I know how mine and Sonali's relation work, it works because we tell each other everything even things we know might hurt the other person and then we come together and deal with it and I think that's what you should do with Khushi, yes she might be stressed but you will be there for her, you will have to assure her that you two will get through this together.

Sonakshi has already brought so much problems to your relationship once, and Khushi chose to be with you despite everything and I think she deserved to know the truth, for you two to trust each other completely you will always have to be honest with each other, you should never hide anything not even if you think it's for their benefit."

"Okay... so I tell Khushi about Sonakshi, what then?"

"Then you have to keep distance from Sonakshi, look I've seen you with her Arnav I know how much you loved that girl but right now she's being a threat to your relationship so you have to make a choice here, either you lose Sonakshi or you lose your relationship with Khushi, it's a bitter choice you have to make."

"But she was a friend before anything Samar, she was my closest friend."

"Yes but things are different now, look I can't tell you what to do, you needed advice and here is what I think, times are different now, your priorities have changed, you have to figure out for yourself what's more important to you and make your decisions according to that."

"Okay, thank you, I'll think about it." I sighed. We both sat there silently for a while as I tried to process everything he had said to me.


I stayed back for dinner and just spent time with mom dad and Samar and given that Khushi was going to get back late I thought it was better I stayed here as I was still getting used to being at her place.

I left at almost eleven o'clock, I hoped I was going to find Khushi home when I reached although it was highly unlikely because Manvi had told me she might be really late.

I parked my car and headed in, the house was all dark, I turned on the flashlight in my phone and headed to my room, the lights were turned on and I wondered whether I was the one that left them on but then I saw Khushi walk out of the bathroom, she smiled as soon as she saw me and came rushing towards me to hug me.

"I thought you might end up staying the night at your parents." She said.

"And I thought I'd get to see you tomorrow morning, guess we both were wrong." I smiled as I pressed my lips on hers, I was so glad she was back earlier than usual.

"I'll change and then join you in bed?" I asked, she nodded as she sat down on the bed covering herself with the blanket while I grabbed my PJ's and headed to the bathroom to change.

I joined her in bed after changing and lied down beside her staring at her beautiful face, I just felt so much affection towards her at this moment, I wished I could show it to her by... okay I didn't have to go there, we had agreed on not getting intimate and I was going to respect that.

"I need to talk to you about something, it's nothing serious but just you know passing information but you seem really tired so can we talk about it tomorrow morning? Or you have an early day tomorrow too?"

"We can talk tomorrow, I start work late tomorrow." She smiled.

"Okay then, sleep tight." I said, she shut her eyes and she turned around facing the other side, I was so scared about what I had to tell her, I really didn't even know if it was the right thing to do but I guess I was just going to listen to Samar's advice and tell her about it.


"Hmm?" She said in a very sleepy voice.

"You know I love you right? I always will." I said. She turned around to face me again and she has this big smile on her face, she moved closer to me and kissed me.

"I love you too Arnav, and I always will too."

I wrapped my arm around her as she slowly fell asleep while I kept on staring at her. I had made my choice, and it was her and I was going to do everything possible to keep her in my life, even if it meant telling her things that I thought she was better off not knowing.

And maybe Samar was right, no matter how much I valued Sona's friendship, maybe it was time to let it go, especially at a moment like this, where it was clearly becoming a threat to my relationship with Khushi.

I wouldn't let her get in the way once again, I had done that once, I wasn't going to repeat it again. I really hoped telling Khushi about it wasn't going to stress her or hurt her or anything like that, the last thing I wanted for her was any more pain than she had already suffered.

Love Me.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang