Chapter 7: Cena

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Olivia gets a tissue and rubs the cream off Ace, Olivia is rubbing Ace's chest. Witnessing this scene, Olive screams like a fanboy saying that Olivia and Ace are in love. As a result, Olivia and Ace both embarrassedly refused

" Do you want to rollerblade?" Olivia asked

" Okay" Olive and Ace said

Ace shows the way to the roller skating rink, Ace doesn't know how to skate but the Dawn twins do. They buy the roller skates, Ace thought the twins couldn't skate so he joked about them

And Ace shut his mouth when he saw Olivia and Olive skate perfectly

Olivia and Olive teach Ace how to balance while skating and Ace still falls but still tries

Everything was going smoothly until Ace accidentally fell on Olive, Ace's lips were so close to Olive's making them look like they were about to kiss. Everyone in the roller skating rink sees this, the girls are fangirling

Ace's heart is bum bum, Olive is confused and Olivia is angry and part is fangirling

The day hasn't been so good, Olivia is glaring horribly at Ace but can't stop the Fujoshi in her

Ace's heart fell on Olive, Ace couldn't believe he fell in love with a boy, he should be straight. What's so special about Olive, Olive only has soft skin, adorable baby cheeks, and a... beautiful emerald green eyes, that look irresistibly beautiful. NO, Ace must not lose his straightness, no matter how... irresistible Olive looks UGHHH. Ace doesn't understand why he fell in love with Olive just because Olive has new clothes

Olive is looking at Olivia and Ace, look how easy they are to match

They walked around until the sky began to darken

While they were walking, Olive accidentally bumped into a girl. Olive apologised to the girl, that girl when she looked at Olive she started to scream in joy

She has fair skin, green eyes, long orange hair, a smiley face hairpin, a light green sleeveless shirt, black shorts, and a white jacket tied around her waist. Her name is Stacy Diamond

" So cute!" Stacy pinched Olive's soft cheeks

" Ouch" Olive said

Olivia sees this scene and feels stranger danger and Ace is jealous- WAIT, why is he jealous?!

" Please, take your hands off my brother" Olivia takes back Olive

" No mean to be rude but don't touch him" Ace said

" Sorry, sorry it's just that this boy is irresistibly cute" Stacy said

Honestly, Ace also agrees that Olive looks irresistibly cute

" I forgot to introduce myself! Hi, my name is Stacy Diamond. Now we're not strangers" Stacy said

" Bruh" That's what Ace, Olivia and Olive have in mind

Another girl came calling Stacy's name, she had orange hair tied in a ponytail, green eyes, a diamond necklace, a white sleeveless shirt, and a long dark green skirt with a vines pattern. That girl's name is Anastasia Diamond

" Stacy! What are you doing?" Stacy's sister asked

" I'm just pinching this guy's cheeks because he's so cute" Stacy said

When Anastasia saw Olive she also screamed in joy. Both of them kept pinching Olive's cheeks until Ace thought it was time for dinner so Ace dragged Olivia and Olive home

" When you have free time, remember to come to our house to play, we just moved here" Stacy said but she didn't say where their home address is

When the three got home, dinner was ready. Benjamin was hungry just in time when the three got home

Dinner includes mashed potatoes, grilled pork, fried fish and cheesecake for dessert

After eating dinner, it's time to sleep. Benjamin gives Olivia and Olive pajamas

Olivia wears light pink pajamas and Olive wears dinosaur coat pajamas

Ace sees Olive in pajamas about to have a heart attack. Olivia and Olive entered the bedroom that Benjamin directed, in which there was only one bed the size for two.

Olivia and Olive say good night to each other and they remember what happened today. Today they somehow come to the magical world called Twisted Wonderland, meet new people and bad people, what an unbelievable day.

They close their eyes and sleep. Dreaming of something familiar

Alice in Wonderland


Please comment about my fanfiction how you think of it

Have a good day/night

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