Chapter 2: first contact part-1

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Date- around 1950s

Location- around pacific

Somewhere in the middle of the ocean

A fleet of siren ships is sailing across the water towards the storm that happened 1 day ago

Observer: hmm I guess we are close to the signal hehe you'll be mine this time~


Nanggala pov:

I have been trying to find an island to rest but I ended up finding nothing while sitting down on the command post looking at the radar hud

Nanggala: I am bored... I wonder why are the seas cleaner than last time? Did Humans clean it up or did i time travel back to the old days?

Radar Blips

Nanggala: uhh gray dots.. has someone found me? Well, that's great! I guess I'll have to wait until they reach into visual range. while eating food from the fridge she found


Siren squad 8th pov:

Observer: Launch 6 Recon drones now!

6 drones similar to FL-71 appear on the carrier deck and start to take off toward the place

Observer: I ain't letting this one miss hahaha!

Tester: but we ain't sure what is that anomaly in that place, we could ended up like the 5th fleet

Observer: Just shut up, my name is Observer and I have to see everything that happened.

Tester: fine up to you, I just want to sleep and-

Observer's tentacles grab Tester's neck and the observer says

Observer: now I want you to check those areas or not you'll end up beaten like the others!

Tester: Alright fine! you are making me unbreathable! coughs

Observer: nice now do it! throws Tester away


Nanggala's pov:

I see 6 unidentified objects flying on the sky in the radar and I've seen it through my tv screen with great camera fotage

Nanggala: i got a bad feeling about this.. Dive to 17 meters now!

the submarine instantly dives to 17 meters and prepares for torpedo attack

Nanggala: prepare 4 blue sharks, aim at 4 targets

Unfortunately, it was too late for her to submerge as 1 Drone succeed to detect her from 40 km away

Observer: AHAH, there you are! A submarine. You'll be mine now! HAHAHA!

Tester: can you stop overreacting

Observer: shut up, aren't you supposed to go there rn

Tester: whatever.. opens a portal with 2 ships going into it

Nanggala's pov:

Nanggala: What the hell is that?!!

The siren Fast ships instantly fire their cannons toward her as it happens like seconds before her periscopes get in

Nanggala: what is this?! Am I in a fiction world?!!!

the ship dives to 17 meters very fast and I know what to do, so I prepared to shoot 2 of my BS torp and fire them 

The torpedoes hit them hard and make a huge explosion like what Nanggala never saw before

The torpedoes hit them hard and make a huge explosion like what Nanggala never saw before

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Nanggala: huh that was easy. I didn't expect those ships to be destroyed by a 40 year old sub?! Hahaha

Tester's pov:

i saw 2 of my ships instantly got destroyed, those are brand new ships classes with VLS

Tester: huh no way.. those are our brand new ships! I gotta come back and retreat.

I was on my way to go back but Observer forced me to find her, i go for a chase and then a weird white thing goes out of the water and starts firing something that is on our top secret weapon toward me

Nanggala: Boom!

An explosion occurred and it hits Tester giving her heavy damage and instantly killing her

Nanggala: i didn't expect a single harpoon enough to kill her.


Chapter 2 part-2 will be published tommorow

stay tuned!

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