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"Alex, pick up your weapon."

I looked down at my little brother who was trying to pick up the wood stick. He seems angry and looks like a crybaby....Pathetic.

he yelled while sobbing.

"Why did you use a gun while I only had this stick to fight against you!?"

Alex swings his stick aiming for my arms while wiping his tears. I dodged that gracefully.

"Don't be silly, if I were to have a GUN, you wouldn't have lasted 3 sec"
I stepped aside and put the barrel at his forehead.

"My nerf DinoSquad Rex-Rampage Motorized Dart Blaster asked if you have any last words"
I gave him a pitiful smile.

"I'm gonna tell mom"
He looked like he's losing it. This is why I enjoy playing around with lil bro.

"Well good luck with tha-"

Gwen shouted. She gave me no chance to finish my sentences while approaching with a rapid speed.

"Geez, why are you acting like her now?"
I looked at my younger sister with concern.

Asked Gwen.

"Our mother"
Me and Alex spoke at the same time.

"Ah, because she told me to look after you two so I think the best way is to imitating her"
She spoke proudly.

"But isn't Allen our big sis?"
Alex said with a questioning toons while he pointed a finger at me.

"Mom said that whoever came out first does not matter, I think she simply doesn't trust sis."
Gwen put her hands on the hips and spoke.


"Oh I understand now, Allen always act like a bitc-"
I shoved my fist into Alex's mouth.

"I dare you finish that sentence."

"Uhm mhmm hm"
He muffled.

"This is why mom put her hopes in me....Come on inside, the food will get cold."
Gwen let out a sign.

I pulled out my fist and cleaned it on little brother's sleeve, he seem irritated but what does a 10 years old capable of?

3 of us headed towards the cabin.
If you have made it 'till here and still understood nothing, then let me give you a brief summary.

Let's start here, my name is Allen - I'm the oldest sibling, next is my younger sister Gwen then my little brother Alex, we each have a 3 years old gap.

We currently have to try our best to survive through this hell hold during summer break. In case you don't know, there's no wifi at this place...yeah and my phone got taken too.
They said embrace natural while you can, I only saw this as a torture method toward children.
We have to stay at this cabin for 1 months and 29 days, so we will try to do all the possible things to get through this, alive.
The owner of this lonely ring is my grandpa, his "house" is located near a waterfall. He's a kind but mysterious person.

Anyway let's get back to the story, shall we?

"I thought you told us we're gonna have curry for dinner?"
Alex asked.

"Hm? What's on your mind?"
Gwen raised her eyes brown.

"You see....this stuff here is soup-"
Alex pointed at the plate in confusion.

....The table went silent.

After a few solid minutes, I stood up and put my plate in the sink. Alex, who was trying to make a face with vegetables in the liquefied curry, looked up at me.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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