Chapter Thirteen Hurt in both heart, soul and body

Start from the beginning

Hoseok POV
   After the Y/N getting taken away by Yang Yang and the guy standing there stund and angry. I stood confused. Why did everyone start chasing Y/N I mean I get her friends but me and my other soulmate what were we going to do. None of us were super close to Y/N and we still had to find our last soulmate. After a bit Jimin came running back from the direction Y/N was carried off to. I hadn’t even seen him leave. I look to Namjoon and the others for an explanation. It was Jin who spoke first, “We need to talk.” Everyone but me and Weiwei nodded their heads in agreement. What was I missing? I mean sometimes I can be slow but most of the time I knew what was going on and right now I felt like I was missing something. 

    Namjoon was the next to speak “Weiwei.”
   “Yes,” she replied, almost instantly looking slightly confused with something else mixed in that  I couldn’t read.

    “My soulmate and I need to have a talk so If you can come to the apartment after an hour that would be great.” Namjoon said with a small smile that did not meet his eye. Why did we need to talk without her. Weiwei gave a small nod before looking around to find someone she knew, giving us a small wave goodbye then running to them. I turn my gaze to Namjoon. “Let's go.” he said and everyone started toward the car. I followed behind hoping that when we got home they would explain why this was more important than finding out which one of the girls was our soulmate because I wanted them safe in my arms getting lots of love. The whole car ride was silent everyone seem to be think of some in their heads. 
   Once we arrived home it felt like everyone quickly got out of the car into the house desperate to talk. On the inside we sat in the living room but instead of our usual cuddling everyone was sitting slightly spaced. Some even sitting on the table in the middle wait for someone to talk. Me not liking the sad, quiet atmosphere alway wanting to be the sunshine of the group making everyone smile. I spoke first. “Well is anyone else confused as to why we are all sitting here instead of finding out who our soulmate is.”

    Jungkook and Yoongi gave a slight nod as if they were slightly confused but not at the same time. Everyone else just looked at me surprised. It was Tae who spoke first my soulmate who was best at feeling the connection. “You don’t feel it, how are you not sure.” He looked absolutely stund. I gave him a small nod before he continued. “It’s Y/N didn’t you feel angry when that other guy touched her or felt strongly drawn to her.”Several of the guys started to nod in agreement. I mean I thought Y/N was cute but I hadn’t really got the chance to get close to her. The most I knew about Y/N was when Weiwei talked about her but now that I was thinking about it I remember everything Weiwei had ever said about her and now that I think about it she was mute so I have never heard her voice so it makes perfect sense. I met back with Tae eye as they scream see you get it right and if Tae said it was her it was most definitely her. 

    “So what do we do?” This time it was Kookie who spoke and after he finished all eyes fell on Namjoon. He was the smartest in the group and alway seemed to know the answer so no one knew who else to ask. 
   Namjoon cleared his throat before speaking “Well, not too long ago Tae came to me and said he found our last soulmate.” 
   Before he could continue Jin screamed “If you knew why didn’t you tell us.”
  Tae answered with a small whisper “I wasn’t 100% sure and I didn’t have any proof.” I rub his back trying to let him know it was alright.

    “Anyways, as I was saying Tae told me that he wanted to be sure before getting all our hopes up but he said that Weiwei needed to move out so that if he was right things would be easier.” Namjoon continued what he was saying. 
   Next to speak was Jimin “Hyung if that is the case why is Weiwei still living with us?”

    “Well I have talked to her and told her I would help her find a new place if her place was still having problems but she turned me down saying that her apartment was almost fixed from the flooding that happened from the room above her.” None of us had seen what happened to Weiwei place but when she told us that it was flooded and that she had to find a place to stay we said no problem loaning her one of our spare rooms for a couple of weeks. But now that I think about it she had said nothing about it being fixed and it had been taking a long time to fix a flood from the floor above. But it didn’t matter as Weiwei never came into our room nor did we let her because we were nowhere near that stage nor were any of us comfortable with that idea yet and now I don’t think any of us ever will be. The only person who was going to go into our room was going to be Y/N our final soulmate if we can ever get her to forgive us for not waiting. 
  “So what are we going to do now.” I said.
   “Well after some long hard thinking, I think we tell Weiwei everything, We alway said that if our soulmate came they would be our top priority but that didn’t mean we would just leave Weiwei hanging. We would break up and try to help her find her happiness. I mean this only started because we got scared we would never find our soulmate and Weiwei was so sad that she also hadn’t found her. So now we first get her to move out and end things. Of course we are going to make sure she has a place to go. Then we will go to all lengths to get Y/N to forgive and accept us all while trying to help Weiwei find her soulmate or at least get together with someone she likes. Sound like a plan.” We all nodded our heads in agreement. 
    Once the hour was finished and Weiwei came to the house we explained everything to her. leaving out the detail that our soulmate was Y/N just in case Y/N wanted to tell her herself. We also talk to her about getting her a hotel or a new place to live till hers was fixed or permanently. But she told us that she was going to tell us today that they finally finished fixing it. So we spent the rest of the day helping her pack and move. Weiwei had been really good about the break up and we told her that we promised to help in anyway to find her happiness. She smiled and said she liked that. When she was all set in her place we went home and went to sleep. The next morning we all got up early and made a trip to the store to buy some gifts for Y/N to hopefully get on her good side even just a little. We knew we were going to have to try hard to win her over and we were willing to wait as long as it takes. 
   Once we arrive at the school we wait at the door for Y/N to come but she never did. So when the bell rang we went to see if we could find her or any of her friends. We split into groups to go look and said we would call if we found her.  The pairs were Me/ Jin, Namjoon/ Yoongi and the last group was the three youngest. Me and Jin were to walk around the school. Namjoon and Yoongi around campus including the other buildings such as the library, the bike racks and the lunch field where people outside they wanted. Then the 3 youngest were sent inside the school since it was easy for the 3 of them to look around the crowded halls. Me and Jin had walked almost all around the building when we got to an area where no one seemed to be around but we could hear crying. We seperated a little and I started to search behind some trees and that when I saw it Y/N laying on the ground curled into a ball making her look so small. I screamed her name but there was no response. I ran to her only to find her…….
Well it took me a bit along with some super fast typing but I was able to get it done tonight and its a long one sitting at 2511 words. I hope you like the chapter. Let me know what you think of Weiwei and what you think is up. Also I’m really happy for all the support you guys have been giving me and I love to hear what you think so thanks for all the comments. It has been interesting to hear what you guys think of the situations. Though I didn’t mean to make you hate the guys so much. Haha

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