Warm Shower

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Shoto waited in the shower. 'Damn quirk.' He thought.

After a few minutes he finally returned to a more normal temperature and his right side began to subside.

His right hand begun to cramp the way his left had previously. He kept it stretched, but it didn't do much of a difference.

He stepped out of the shower carefully and went for the towel hanging on the sink. Shoto towel-dried his hair first. Then his body.

He shut off the shower and wiped a hole in the mirror mist. 'Wow, I really look like shit.' He thought, slightly surprised.

His face was paler than he had ever thought possible, and slightly grey. His eyes were red, as was his nose. Sweat and water stuck his hair to his forehead and ears. His eye bags were larger than normal and his eyes were sunken-in.

He slipped on his underwear. It was difficult because his skin was still moist. He had the same problem with his shorts. Shoto's shirt was a bit easier, but it still clung to his flesh.

He finished up in the bathroom and began to stagger towards the door, still a bit dazed from his shower.

He opened the door slowly and peeked through the crack as he continued to pry it ajar.

Aizawa was waiting on the other side. He almost wanted to laugh at the teen's supposed shyness.

Todoroki's cheeks flushed red. "Sorry for taking so long."

He held out his right hand. It was still cramping.

Aizawa chuckled. "Alright, sit on the bed." Todoroki nodded.

For a moment there was an awkward silence as Aizawa began to massage Shoto's hand. But then Aizawa spoke up.

"This illness really is something. It put three of class 1A's finest on their asses for the better part of a week." Todoroki nodded. "I'm a little worried for if it gets to kids like Mineta or Denki which seem to have lower pain tolerances." Aizawa continued. "Yeah." Todoroki agreed. "I just hope no-one else gets this." They both said in unison.

Aizawa smirked. Todoroki's hand finally relaxed. He exhaled audibly.

"Better?" Aizawa asked. "Yes, sir." Todoroki responded.

Uraraka was standing outside of Todoroki's dorm room. She heard Aizawa and Shoto talking, but she wasn't sure if she should go in yet.

Deku came up to her. "Is he okay? Why are you just standing outside his dorm?" "He's fine. He just got out of the shower. I'm not sure if I should go in or wait for them to come get me or-." Uraraka trailed off.

Deku knocked on the door.

There was a knock at the door. "Oh my- we forgot Uraraka." Aizawa groaned. "Come in!" He shouted.

Uraraka and Deku stepped into the room. "Is everyone okay?" Deku asked. Aizawa nodded.

"Midoriya I am so sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to harm you." Todoroki apologized. "I know you didn't, Todoroki. How are you feeling?" Deku questioned. "Better." "I'm glad."

Although he was saying he was better, he didn't look it. He certainly didn't feel it, either. He was just in a better position to keep his composure than he was while actively throwing up.

Aizawa, Deku, and Uraraka started a conversation that Todoroki wasn't paying much attention to. He felt warm and he began to zone out.

Sick Todoroki (Sick MHA 3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat