His reaction to 'Aunt Flow'

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Aunt Flow is what i've always called 'That time of the month' btw


- Brings you frozen yogurt (My lactose intolerant self🥲)
- Let's you wear his clothes
- Doesn't really know what else to do other than being with you
- He'll rub your stomach
- Plays with your hair
- Brings food for the dinner

- Heats up a bag of rice for you (If you don't understand: putting a bag of warm rice on wherever the cramp pain is, is supposed to help)
- Makes you hot coco
- Watches rom-coms with you
- He won't judge if you cry

- Is a emotional support buddy
- Won't get upset when you get pissed
- If your throwing up he'll hold you hair back
- He watched a 30 min tutorial on how to braid hair just for times like this
- Asks his mother what will help with cramps
- Buys the right size pads (King🙌)

- Takes his dog over to your place so you can cuddle it
- Hums toons to you
- Cooks you anything, you name it he'll cook it

- He'll ask Connie for help
- Will only talk to you in a hushed voice
- Read somewhere that physical movement helps with cramps so he takes you on a bike ride around town
- Makes up fairy tales to tell you
- You end up crying about how sweet he is

(Currently my Aunt Flow is visiting and i've cried so much it's not even funny. Like I found out my friend/past crush is talking to someone=I cried. My friends trying to set be just with some dude=I cried. It's a lot ok😭)

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