Triangles>>A.B and C.C

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Y/n's POV

Today is Valentine's day but since I don't have a boyfriend my plans for after school are to go home, watch old rom coma, eating Ben & Jerry's

As I walk into school I see my best friend, Guy at his locker

"So how will you be swooning Miss Connie on this wonderful holiday?" I ask

He slightly chuckles

"First i'm taking her to the rink we used to have Ducks practice on, then i'm taking her to get ice cream, and after that we're finishing the day off at her house when I give her this" he shows me a necklace with his name on it

"That's so cuteeee" he nudges me

"And what are your plans?" he says as we walk over to my locker

"Drum roll please. First i'm gonna watch 'You've got mail', then i'm gonna watch 'While you were sleeping', and eat ice cream, then i'll finish off the day going to sleep" he gives me a look

"Now that's just sad" I hit his arm and open my locker

"Shut up-" I stop talking once I see two notes fall out of my locker on the the floor like butterflies

"Ooo someone's got a secret admirerrr" I pick up the notes

"Y/n, Happy Valentine's day. Meet me at Mickeys dinner, Charlie" I read the note aloud

"Sweet, Conway" he says

"What's the other one say?"

"A pretty rose for a pretty girl" I say

"But there isn't a rose-" I turn around and see Adam holding a rose

"Ta da" he says the notices the other note

"Who's that one from?" Adam asks

"Uh Charlie" I say

"Charlie?" he yells running to find him

Adam's POV

I'm furious. I told Charlie that I was gonna confess my feeling to Y/n TODAY. And what does he do? Send her a Valentine to meet him at Miss Casey's work

"Conway" I yell once I see him

"Hey, Adam. What's up?" I punch in, right in the nose

Gasps fill the hall as he grabs his nose

"What's up is you, going behind my back" I punch his gut

Now i'm not one for violence but i'm pissed

"Come on man, shes still up for grabs" he try's to reason

"Don't talk about her like she's an object" he finally swings back

"Conway, Banks. My office. Now!" Orion yells

We both go into his office

"Now. What was all that about?" he asks

"He-he-tried-is-to-being-go-possessive-behind-over-my-a-back-girl-with a girl-WHO ISN'T EVEN HIS" we both say at the same time

"One at a time. Conway go"

"I wrote Y/n a valentine, to meet me at Mickeys, so I can as her out" he says


"No Banks. Ok is that all Conway?" Charlie nods


"So yesterday, I told Charlie about my feelings for Y/n, and he went out of his way to ask her out, which goes against everything I believe in" I say

"Ok. Here's what i've got from this, you both like Y/n, both gave her a valentine, got in a fight about it, and are both now suspended from the team for the rest of the season" he says

"What?!" we both say

"That's so unfair" Charlie says

"No what's unfair, is you going behind Banks back" he looks down and I give coach a smile

"And what's also unfair, is you" he points to me

"Fighting, Conway. Instead of talking it out"

"Sorry" I say also looking down

"Don't apologize to me" he says then steps out the room

"I'm sorry Charlie. I shouldn't have started this" I say

"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone behind your back" he says

"Friends?" I stuck out my hand

"Friends" he shakes my hand

"Sooo. Y/n?" I ask

"She was your thing first" I smile

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