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"Do you really think we should let her join? She's only 13." a girl's voice whispers.

"A powerful one at most. She can help us with our mission." a man's voice whispers back.

I can hear voices. What's happening? I think to myself.

"Shes awake."

Bodies turn toward Y/N and one of the members start making their way towards her.

The body stops in front of Y/N and crouches down. They take off the blindfold.

"Good morning. Y/N."

I open my eyes to see a group of people I don't know.

I think for a moment and it hits me.
It's the same group of people I fought against earlier!

"Who are you? Let me go!" I try to shout loud enough hoping that someone can hear me.

"Give up. Won't work." Says a short man in all black and choppy hair.

I stare at everyone, both scared and angry.

"Why do you want me here?! Let me go!" I say as I struggle getting out of the restraints.

A man with dark hair tied up and a katana starts speaking to me,

"You put up a good fight earlier Y/N. Better than an average 13 year old."

"What about it?" I respond.

"What he's saying is that we want you to join us." A boy with short blonde hair clarifies what the man said.

"I would never join your group! not after what you've done. Never!"

"If you reject our offer then, we're afraid we need to kill you." A girl with pink hair says to me.

I see the short man with choppy hair take out his sword getting ready to kill me.

He gets closer to me and whispers in my ear, "Bye."

He raises his sword, and I yell out,


The short man halts.

"I change my mind! I'll join you guys."

The short man puts back his sword and walks back where he used to be. Saying nothing. I could tell he was irritated.

The man with his hair tied up smirks, "Welcome to the Phantom Troupe, Y/N."

Time skip to after the Kurta Clan Massacre.

"How much pairs of Scarlet Eyes did we obtain?" The leader of the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo asks.

"36." Shalnark responds.

Chrollo smiles a little and says, "Excellent."

He looks towards me, "Y/N, you did well. There is no reason to why you should feel this way. Lets head back now."

The look of horror has been stuck on my face ever since I saw the first kill of the massacre. I stare at the eyeless corpses before me. I feel guilty. I feel like a monster.

I stand up and start walking with the Troupe back to base.

A few weeks later I get a chance to see the news,

I still remember it to this day, "A discovery was made by a female traveler who got lost in the woods all 128 villagers dead. They were left with gouged out eyes, some beheaded."

I stared at the TV for a long time. I felt sick to the stomach. I dug my nails into my arm feeling no pain. I want to leave this hell. I'm going to leave this hell. Tonight.

"Y/N are you okay? everyone's going to sleep for a little bit tonight. Are you going to or.." Shizuku asks me.

I break out of that trance, "Yeah, I think I'll go take a small nap as well. Goodnight Shizuku."


I sat down and pretended to be asleep until I was sure everyone dozed off.

After I was sure everyone dozed off, I stood up and quietly made my way to the window. I opened the window and took off, running as fast as I could.

As I ran, tears streamed down my face. The thought of the Phantom Troupe finding out that I ran away and potentially finding me and killing me scared the hell out of me.

I ran far away, I ended up in the woods close by the Clan I just massacred. I fell asleep in the woods, crying.

When I woke up in the morning, I decided to go pay my respects to the Kurta Clan before taking off again far from this place.

I got to the place where the Kurta Clan was massacred. I was about to go down to the village but instead, I saw someone. A boy. He looked like he would be around my age. He was digging the bodies of the Kurta Clan. He looked miserable. Well who wouldn't be?

As I was walking back I didn't think anything of it. Until i tripped on a rock and fell into a bush.

"Shit!" I yell out in pain

A part of my shirt is torn and on my shoulder, and back reveals the number 9 spider tattoo. I got up and the boy looked at my spider tattoo. Then looked in my eyes. His eyes were... scarlet it was a beautiful shade of red, but he looked as if he was going to kill me. Right here, right now.

We both stared at each other for a long time. I was frozen in horror. Then i realized, he must've been the only survivor of the Kurta Clan Massacre. I heard stuff about this clan. That they're monsters, and that they're crazy strong.

He stood up from where he was and I ran. I ran so fast. I was so scared, I didn't want to die. So I ran. and never stopped until I was sure i was safe.

Word count: 874

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