Parents and Betrothals

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"Father" Athena called out to King Robert, running over to where he sat on his horse next to Ned Stark. All the men gathered in the courtyard preparing for their hunting trip. "What is it Thea?" he asked, looking down at his oldest daughter. Athena knew there was no point in this conversation, but she would give it a try just like Anne asked if her. She sighed before finally letting the words slip from her lips "Anne has asked to stay here in Winterfell with me" Thea told him looking down at her feet as she fiddled with her fingers. Her dad let out a laugh "You two are funny, thanks Thea I needed a good laugh" her dad said trying to catch his breath. She looked him in the eye with a serious expression, "Oh, you're serious. Have you gone mad?" He asked his eldest child. "Please father, for me I need her here with me"Athena begged him, she knew this conversation was going nowhere but she would give it her best effort.

"No Athena, your sister is to be married soon too," he told her. It was true Anne needed to find a husband and would most likely be married to some highlord by her next name-day. "Can she please stay here till you find someone?" She pleaded, she needed Anne. The two were sisters, practically twins. The two black haired Baratheon princess had never been away from each other for more than a day, how were they to survive not seeing each other for years. "Father please, for me allow her to stay" Athena was ready to get on her knees and beg.

"Damnit Athena I said NO" he yelled, causing the others to stare at the trio that stood in the middle of the courtyard. The girl looked at her father with a surprised look, in her sixteen years of life, her father had never once yelled at her. She felt tears prick at the conner of her eyes as she looked at her father, her hero. She knew she was being dramatic but she didn't know how to react since her father had never once been mad at her. In his eyes Athena could do no wrong."Of course, your Grace"she bowed before walking off to her chambers. "Aye, have Tyrion check on her" he told a guard. He felt horrible, he did not mean to yell at her. He knew he had scared her at that moment. He had wanted to check on her himself but he couldn't seem weak in front of all these men, they could not know that their King's weakness was a sixteen year old girl. He knew if anyone ever wanted his throne Athena was the way to get it.

Athena sat on her bed as tears streamed down her cheek, she felt terrible never had her father been mad with her. She didn't want to cry, her mother had told her that tears make you weak so never let anyone see them. So as the knock on her door was heard, She quickly wiped her tear stained cheek before mumbling a quick "Come in." Her uncle Tyrion walked in "Your father asked me to check on you. Want to tell me what happened?" he asked, moving to sit at the chair located by her mirror. "I asked father if Anne could stay here with me." she told her uncle Tyrion, he couldn't help but chuckle as she finished her sentence. The girl glared at him, "it's not funny I need Anne, she is my sister" she explained. "Why did your father ask me to check on you then?" he questioned. As the girl explained the whole story she realized how dramatic she sounded. "It's just he has never been angry with me" Athena tried to explain. "Thea, your father loves you. You are the most important person to your father. I mean he asked for me, and he hates me" Tyrion told his niece. The two chuckled "You are your fathers weakness anyone could see it" Tyrion explained. "Thank you" her uncle managed to cheer her up, he made her realize just how dramatic she was being, and he was right. Her dad was a very scary man when he got annoyed or angry, she just never was on the side that was being yelled at and he scared her. She knew he felt bad or he would have never had Tyrion check on his her. Her uncles voice snapped her out of her thoughts "Of course, now if you excuse me I have somewhere to be" he said getting up to leave her room, she knew where he was going "Please don't get a whore pregnant, mother would kill you if you had a bastard" the two laughed as her uncle left. Her uncle Tyrion was one of her favorite people in her family.

Athena____Game Of Thrones(ROBB STARK)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora