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"Do you think I'm foolish enough to lend my men to that ludicrous bastard?"

"Miss, please understand that it is needed for my master to accomplish his


"I'm not going to let my men die in his careless hands so you are the one who should understand. Tell your master that if he's too ashamed to come and ask me himself he can figure out something else." You said, spitting your words out with anger.

"Miss... I'll inform my master of your decision right away." The man who stood in front of you announced in a defeated tone after trying to persuade you for the seventh time.

He bowed his head and turned to leave your office preparing to get screamed at by his master. It was truly hard playing the role of a pawn.

Chosuke, the right-hand man of Rafit Kleif moreover the man that had just been standing right in front of you.

Rafit who is identified as an unnecessary asset of the organization by you.

He was nothing but a hard-headed bastard who did nothing but cause problems for you and the others.

You truly felt bad for Chosuke who had to trouble himself by keeping Rafit in line.

You did not understand how Rafit had still managed to continue being a part of the organization.

He behaved like a child throwing temper tantrums every now and then.

But you couldn't deny that he was useful when it came to eradicating other organizations.

Nevertheless, you and the others still had to clean up after his mess.

You rubbed your head and sighed knowing you'd have to deal with him as long as you were a part of this organization.

It had been a while since you had heard from him so you thought that you'd be free from his antics for a while but now he was back and he needed your men for his own benefit.

It was truly ridiculous how he needed your help but couldn't even come to ask you himself.

You wished you could be rid of him so you and the others could continue performing their jobs in peace, but in the end, it was the boss's decision that mattered.

That was the only reason you were keeping yourself under control otherwise you couldn't even begin to imagine what you would've done to him by now.

"Ma'am I heard that Chosuke came to ask you for something, if I may ask what it was?" A woman with shoulder-length hair asked who peeked inside your office from the door with a soft smile.

"Ah, Emiko, come inside, there's no need for you to stand outside." You told the woman who was also another subordinate of yours.

As she stepped inside you pointed to the sofa that was placed beside the clear glass wall that gave the view of the city beneath.

𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓵𝓯𝓮𝓻 | Kuroro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now