"Hey come here you" Remus stated hoping to get through to him with a different approach whilst taking his arms and wrapping them tightly around his arms 

"Mooney" he whispers

"Yes my little paddy bear" Remus asks 

"I just worry" He explains 

"I know love. I know" He says in a soft tone 

Sirius can't help but be in a calm mood around Remus. Whilst being wrapped in Remus' arms he cannot help but think of happy thoughts. Remus just smells so good and is so comforting that my thoughts of James almost go away. Almost. I still worry. He is basically my brother at this stage and just like how he looked after me when I ran away, it is my job to keep him safe. Apparently recently I am doing such an awful job. If anything happens to him I will fully blame myself and then never forgive myself

Sirius takes a deep breath and then decides to snuggle further into Remus and give him time. If he has not seen him in an hour then he will just go searching for him. 


"Morning Reg," James said whilst sitting up and stretching his arms out dragging out a little yawn. 

Regulus just laughed. Of course, he did. 

"What? What's so funny mister Black?" He required whilst tilting his head to the left which ultimately makes Regulus laugh more. 

"Your hair. It really cannot be tamed can it?" He asked through a fit of giggles 

"Just like me. My hair cannot be tamed, I like to think of it as my personality showing on the outside. a wild lion or a wild stag" James explains 

"True right. When you are in bed you-" Regulus tried to start 

"If you bloody finish that sentence I will pull out your eyeball then bleach out my brain so I can try and forget" Barty threatened whilst entering the room

"But honestly if this is going to be a regular thing we might have to start charging you rent"Evan joked 

"Honestly do you two always come as a pair?"James questioned 

"Do you and Sirius always come as a pair?" Barty fired back 

"Wait no I think you mean does he go anywhere with the marauder's clan?" Regulus  added in 

"Hey, not that isn't fair. We aren't always together. we aren't that glued together" James fires back

"If I didn't know better I would question who you are fucking. Luckily for me I know it's little Reggie over here" Barty fires back whilst ruffling his hair 

"Just be thankful they have clothes on this time" Evan fired back 

 "Firstly Fuck you secondly I have a life outside of Siri. He's not here now is he" James announces fairly proud of himself 

"That is because my love, you are hanging the better Black brother," Regulus tells him with a laugh 

"you and Siri are way too much alike it is scary" James states 

"Hey, we are not!" Regulus protests

"Oh, but you are. But you are cuter so you get one thing Padfoot doesn't" James tells him whilst grinning wide 

"And what may that be?" Regulus states suggestively whilst smirking 

"This," James says whilst going in and giving him a quick kiss. This of course led to Regulus blushing and Barty making vomiting noises in the background 

when the stars finally alineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora