How Eddie Munson Cuddles | eddie munson

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>>gif credit to @/gayinbed on tumblr<<


fandom | Stanger Things

character | Eddie Munson

requested | anonymous

warnings | brief mention of drugs

word count | 751

keys | None

summary | hiii.Can i request a Eddie Munson x reader headcannons with Eddie cuddles, like different ways he cuddles the reader and why

editor | @/feliscatus-exe on tumblr


When he's in public

•Eddie was always nervous to cuddle you in public

•He knew the town had a vendetta against him

•And he didn't want to paint you with that same target on your back

•You tried to assure him that it was okay and that you didn't mind

•But no no no

•He swore up and down that he would not be the cause of someone harassing you

•I don't think he could like with himself if he ever was

•He still tries to show you in other ways though

•Like squeezing your shoulder

•And gently nudging his elbow into your side

•Whatever he could do to be touching you in some way

•He would

When he's behind you

•Usually happens when you're in his room

•Sitting on his bed trying to concentrate on your homework

•But he keeps wrapping his arm around your stomach and resting his chin on your shoulder

•Pushing away your pencil so he could get your attention

•He could be such a big baby sometimes

•He'd squeeze you and you'd laugh, pushing him away

•Just for him to come right back

•He always told you it was because he was cold and needed to be warmed up by your body heat

•But when he started kissing your neck you knew he had other intentions

When he's the big spoon

•Loves pulling you as close as he can get

•It's never close enough

•When you're facing away from him he liked to trace shapes on your abdomen

•Wondering if you'll be able to figure them out

•You've only ever successfully guessed the shape once

•According to him anyways

•Something tells you that he just lies when you're right

•He liked to mess around like that

•When you're facing toward him

•He loves when you bury your face in his chest

•It makes him feel so soft and in love with you

•Something about the way you hold him tightly

•Man it makes him swoon

•And when you fall asleep clutching his shirt?

•Absolutely melts

When he's the little spoon

•He lays his head on your chest

•And you play with his hair

•Massaging his scalp

•He's an absolute sucker whenever you do that

•He gently kisses whatever skin is close to him

•To show you how much he loves and appreciates you

•You always giggle cause most of the time it tickles

•He enjoys cuddling you like this because he can hear your heartbeat

•He counts it and eventually ends up tapping to the beat

•Sometimes he sings to you

•His voice is nothing amazing

•But it's smooth enough to be enjoyable

•And you love him, so of course, you love when he does it

When you sit next to him

•He drapes his arm around you

•Hand gripped onto your shoulder

•You snuggle into him

•Leaning your head against his cheek

•If you were with his close friends while he did it they'd all make fun of you

•But he'd simply wave them off and pull you closer

•If you were alone you'd probably end up falling asleep

•Being in his presence was just so comforting

•You couldn't help it

When you stand in front of him

•He wraps his arms around your thighs and makes you stand between his legs

•He lays his head on your stomach

•And stays there for as long as you'll let him

•Most of the time you laugh and pet his head

•Entertaining him for a minute or two while you watch tv

•Eventually losing track of time and realizing you've been standing for an hour with your boyfriend's face smooshed against your abdomen

•You'd pry him away after some time and he'd pout because cuddling you like that was probably one of his favorite ways to cuddle you

•But your legs were starting to hurt

When he's high

•He giggles like crazy

•And his hands clamor to touch

•Not even in a sexual way

•He just needs to be touching you or he thinks you're not there

•His object permanence straight up disappears

•He'd lean his head on your collar bones

•Mumbling something incoherent

•You always supplied him with the munchies he requested

•And that was when the waterworks would start

•He'd tell you how much he loved you

•And beg you to never leave him

•You laughed and reassured him until he eventually fell asleep

In conclusion

•Eddie Munson loved to cuddle you in all ways possible

•Because quite simply

•He was in love with you

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