XIX: Little Rebel

Start from the beginning

"How come?"

"I don't know.. I just feel like I kissed someone.."

"Oh my god, is Y/n on her puberty stage?! Who's the lucky guy?!"  Yujin asked but Y/n stayed silent as Y/n thinks it wasn't a guy.. but a girl

"Girl, tell me! I'm your favourite cousin!"

"I don't remember.."

"Then remember it!"

Meanwhile ...

Chaeyoung is eating lunch with her mom, she had been quiet all day because of it her mom notices it

"Chaeyoung, what's wrong? You've been quiet, that's not you" Her mom chuckles



"Would it okay if I like her?"

"Who? Mina?" Chaeyoung nods

"Of course, my dear! Why do you even ask that?"

"Well she's the daughter of the only man you ever loved and now I might ruin the chance of you and him getting back together"

"Chaeyoung.. stop thinking about me okay? You've been always doing your best as my daughter especially when your dad died and I'm greatful that I got to live a comfortable life, thanks to you. But now, I want you to live for yourself and you can choose whoever to like, if you like Mina then tell her" she smiled

"I do like her mom but.. she likes someone else, what should I do?" Chaeyoung asked

"If Mina is already taken then, sadly you have to give up because I don't want my daughter to be a homewrecker but if the person Mina likes doesn't have the same feelings then you still have your chance

That night ...

Momo is in her dad's office, while she look around she saw a photobook at the shelf. She decided to take it and opens it, it's their family pictures. Most of it are when their parents haven't divorced yet

As she flips the pages, she's smiling because how young they were before. It's good to see some memories after a long time, they might didn't got the best childhood but there are times they are happy to be in this family

"Unnie.. Sana-unnie said she'll go back to her apartment" Mina comes in and approaches her

"Do you remember this?" Momo asked as she pointed out the picture, Mina takes a look of it

"No.." Mina said

"It was when we had our first picnic together, I had the craziest idea that time. We played in muds and our parents are damn furious because of how dirty we were" she smiled and Mina nods

"Do you miss dad? I think you should go to the states"

"Why.. don't you miss him?"

"He's my dad but my feelings are still the same, you know my position"

"I understand but now that I will close the company, what's your plan? I mean you took business major because you will be the who will inherit the position but it's all now over"

"I don't.. know maybe a ballet teacher for kids?"

"That's good, it's better to do your dream job atleast you won't regret it in the future"

Next day ..

Momo is cleaning out the stuffs her dad has on his office, Momo already informed him. Her dad has a response but Momo is too scared to check it, that's also the reason why she doesn't want to visit him. While putting on the stuffs to the box she got a call, it's Lisa

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