Chapter 1

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It was an unusually warm June evening.  I was heading over to my favorite park near the Avon river to sit and relax. Well, that was a lie: I had found myself thinking non-stop about my old high school flame, William, and I needed to rid myself of him.  So I planned on going to the exact location where I had last been with him, and re-living the memories for the last time; then it was due time to let him go.  

I was dressed in a gold sequined cocktail dress, with five-inch-stilettos adorning my feet.  I studied my reflection in the mirror for a long while before leaving my room.  I saw a tall, 5'8" athletic frame, a pretty yet solemn clear face framed by long shimmering caramel waves, and my hazel eyes shone sadly.  I sighed. William had always been drawn to busty blondes- neither of which I was.  I knew deep down in the depths of my trembling heart that the affection he had been so gracious to show me was probably out of pity rather than intrigue.  Oh, how I adored him!  His careless, jaunty swagger; those beautiful and unfathomable chocolate eyes; that lush pout; his unruly tangle of golden-hued curls.  How I had longed to run my fingers through his hair, while he held me close!  I would get lost in his eyes every time he'd glance my way.

I woke up from my day dream and stepped out of my two-bedroom flat, closing and locking the door behind me.  When I finally got to the park, the golden haze cast a golden-rose glow in the fleeting hours of dusk.  I stood silently near the bench where we had said goodbye three years before and let his image flood through my mind, the recollection of his toxic scent sending a shudder coursing through my body.  I knew every single facial feature by heart and they were engraved into my soul forever.  When I opened my eyes, it was almost dark out.  I sighed and sank onto the bench.  Then it started to rain.

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