⎼⎼⌞chapter thirteen⌝⎼⎼

Depuis le début

"Have we become a habit?" Amy sang sighing out of breath as she climbed out of the canoe and onto land just across the street from the treble's lawn, "Do we distort the facts?"

"Now there's no looking forward. Now there's no turning back. When—" Amy sang as she paced the grass before a car stopped in the middle of the road and began honking at her.

"Go!" Amy shouted at the car, before shaking her head as she started crossing once she realized it wasn't moving only for it to just start moving as she did so.

"Well what are you doing?! I'm soloing here!" Amy shouted angrily as she raised her arms in disbelief at the driver. The car honking at her once more before finally driving past her, "Whatever!"

"We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder." Amy sang as she finally crossed the street and began making her way on to the lawn.

"No! No!" Bumper said as he put his hands on his waist and watched her.

"We belong to the sound of the words we've both fallen under. Whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better. We belong, Bumper and Fat Amy, we belong together." Amy sang as she now stood in front of Bumper.

"Close your... close your..." Amy trailed off as she waited for Bumper to join her.

"Close your eyes and try to sleep now. Close your eyes and try to dream. Clear your mind and do your best to try and wash the palette clean." Bumper finally joined as he stepped forward, Benji watching on proudly.

"We can't begin to know it, how much we really care. I hear your voice inside me, I see your face everywhere. Still you say—" They both sang together before kissing each other, as everyone watched on, happy for them.

"The thunder!" They broke apart to sing once again, before beginning to start sucking faces. Everyone's happiness quickly changing to disgust as the two began sucking faces. Everyone beginning to storm back inside and the two fell to the ground while they made out.

"Oh, sick!" I said while my face scrunched up in disgust as I grabbed Greg's hand and we made away to the front of the house.

"That... That sure was something." Greg said as he began rapidly blinking, probably trying to get the aight out of his eyes.

"Hey! What's that girl doing over here?" I heard someone shout towards us from the patio. I sighed as I looked up and saw two of the newer trebles with some girls pointing at me. This caused more trebles to file out the front door to see what the shouting was about. Greg looked between the treble's and I before shaking his head and taking a step forward.

"Her name is Cassie and she's my friend, she has just a right to be here as the fourth girl this week you have over does." Greg shouted back to the guy, everyone's mouth dropping as they registered what Greg said. The girl the treble was with gasped while I did a double take at Greg.

"You said I was the only girl you're talking to!" The girl shouted at the boy before slapping him. Everyone gasped as the girl scoffed and made her way off the patio and began walking down the street.

"What the fuck dude?!" The guy shouted at Greg as he cradled his now brightly red cheek. Uni, Hat, and Donald now pouring out of the house as they looked at the boy. Donald looking over the direction everyone else was looking at which resulted in us awkwardly making eye contact.

◣HE'S TREBLE◥Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant