Blank x Old Candy: The Scenario Pt. 4

Start from the beginning

Blank's face was heated madly but Blank gave out a huff of laughter, just a small one. "It's okay, I know what you mean. Let's just get our mind off things," Blank said, moving away from Momo. "I need it anyway, it'll be nice to just clear my mind," Blank thought as he then saw a dark blue crayon on the floor. Blank grabbed it as Momo looked at him questioningly, "Like what?" Blank then chuckled, "Well I mean I am considered a... canvas." Blank choked on the last word a bit, he still remembered the harsh words of Cindy.

Blank gave Momo the color, "You can draw something on me, anything. Though no scribbles, seriously. NO SCRIBBLES." Momo laughed at Blank with the warning then started on Blank's right side. It was on Blank's wrist that Momo was drawing on. Momo was a bit giggling though Blank could tell he was holding it in. Blank finally felt a bit curious, "Whatcha drawing?" Momo turned his head a bit, but not all the way, and there was a small smirk on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that!" Blank said agitation ringed in his voice. Momo seemed to be pleased in making Blank on the edge of his nerves. Momo just chuckled, "You'll see.~" Blank suddenly felt heat rise again on his face as he felt angrily flustered.

"Mercy, help me, this cat is gonna make me go crazy before long. He already pops up in my head every so often and then he actually pops up to ask everything going through my head. He's like a never ending cheetah racing in my head!" Blank shook his head slightly as he watched the back of Momo's head, drawing or doodling something on his wrist. Blank sat there, hunched over cause his back started hurting and finally started complaining. "How long is it gonna take for you to finish this. I know I said you could draw but not in the same spot for hours!" Blank let his head fall back and let out his complaint.

"Oh hush up, Canvas, I'm almost done and you can stop bickering." Momo said that nickname so slyly, so smoothly that it gave Blank goosebumps but then he growled at Momo's response to his complaint. Blank still felt the heat flatter on his face, he didn't like this feeling. He wanted to hide away with this feeling until it was buried beneath to where Blank wouldn't feel it anymore.

Momo then let out a breath of relief, "There, Mr. Fiestypants, I'm finally finished."

Momo leaned back to be shoulder to shoulder with Blank as Blank picked his wrist up to look at it. It made him want to cry as he saw what it was, putting his hand over his mouth. It looked like a drawing of Blank and Momo holding hands looking happy together. "D-do you like it? I thought it would be nice to give you a reminder that you aren't alone." Momo said shyly and he seemed flustered, a bit nervous. Blank then felt tears go down his cheeks, Momo heard Blank crying and looked at him puzzled.

"Wh-what's wrong, why are you crying? I didn't mean to make you cry?!" Momo said a bit panicked as Blank looked up, crying and smiling at the same time. "Oh, Momo... that's the sweetest drawing anyone has made for me. Thank you," Blank hugged Momo around the neck with one arm as he dug his face in his shoulder fur. Blank let the smell of Momo fill up his senses around him, Blank knew that his tears would sink into Momo's dark blue fur. Blank felt Momo hug him back tightly, as if he just didn't want to let go.

Blank then lift his head and his chin thumped back on Momo's shoulder as Momo tightened his grip on Blank. Blank felt heat rise on his face again. "Um, Momo, you can let me go now," Blank said flustered. Momo brushed his muzzle on the side of Blank's face which made Blank have goosebumps. The more Momo leaned his muzzle upward to Blank's ear, Blank would lean upwards, growling under his breath. Momo suddenly let out a huff of air right in Blank's ear.

Blank let out a flustered groan, "Momo... it's almost time for the night shift." Momo brushed past Blank's cheek to where the side of Momo's eye was in Blank's side view. Blank could see Momo's left eye staring at him, Blank could have sworn he saw desire in those dark depths. Momo let go of Blank, growling, "I didn't realize...but can't we still talk?" Momo pleaded, Blank was astonished to hear Momo begging to stay. Blank was almost sitting on top of Momo and Blank scooted back, blushing and laughed hesitantly, "Wh-why? I mean we don't want Cindy or the others to come looking for you, I don't want them coming in here." Blank brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them with his right arm.

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