after about 4 minutes, they found toshiro, with boys who looked way older than middle schoolers.

"y/n, nachimi! i'm so glad you could make it." toshiro gave both girls a hug, both catching onto how he reeked of alcohol and weed. "please have a drink! make yourselves at home!" he gestured them towards the kitchen.

the girls nodded and walked to the kitchen anyways. "should we?" nachimi looked to the girl to her left. they had their arms linked.

"fuck it." y/n poured the cups and a gave one to nachimi.

five cups in and the girls were dancing. y/n had accidentally wandered from nachimi and found herself upstairs.

"y/n?" a classmate named inei kurai recognized y/n. "are you joining the sesh?" he smirked.

y/n was quite a good girl so this was funny to him. y/n knew what he meant and said once again fuck it.

she followed him to a room with three others. one being toshiro. the sesh was great. the one thing that wasnt was the fact y/n didnt know what being crossfaded was. so when the high hit her and mixed with the alcohol it wasn't good. she was new to this so she was an automatic lightweight.

"y/n? you good?" toshiro laughed.

"uh.. yeah." y/n giggled.

it had just come to her realization that she didnt know where nachimi was and she was alone with toshiro. there was nothing wrong with him, she just didnt know him like that.

"have a seat. i dont bite." toshiro patted the spot next to him as he joked with her.

y/n did as he said and sat down. she need to have a seat because everytime she stood it felt like someone was pulling the floor like a carpet from under her.

"i didn't think you'd be the type to be into this typa stuff." toshiro broke the silence.

"what do you mean?" y/n laid back.

"into parties, smoking and drinking. you seemed like a goody two shoes." he explained.

"you too, to be honest. i didnt expect you to be into this stuff either." she sat back up, not being able to sit still.

toshiro stared into y/n's eyes. y/n felt uncomfortable, but just laughed and smiled at him. as she calmed down she looked to see he was still looking at her.

(if you are uncomfortable with reading any of the following content, skip until you see‼️END‼️ or click off the story. whichever you prefer.)

next thing you know his lips were on hers. her eyes widen and she pushed him off.

"oh come on, don't be a tease." he murmured before kissing her neck.

"woah, dude. back up." she went to push him once more, but he was quicker. he pushed her back and climbed on top of her. "toshiro, get off of me." y/n pleaded, squirming around to try and loosen his grip on her.

"no. you don't know what you want, y/n." he slowly began unbuckling her pants, sliding his hand into her panties.

"toshiro, i said to get off. please, dude."

at this point she had tears flowing down her faces going into her ears.

"no. you're naive, y/n. you're confused." toshiro smirked.

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