mr mackey x pc principal x reader

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i am y/n i am .6243 inches tall and today i accidently crashed my car into some stupid idtiots house in coloroda in some town named south park so i guess i'm stuck here #not my fault 

i walk around town and already there are 672946372 people staring at my small petite body and my beautiful eye color orbs as i gracefully and ever so shyly walk down the street uwu

but then i ever so clumsily bump into big unnamed daddy with hot sexy sunglasses oh my god i can feel myself getting wap already 😻😻😻

"o-o-oh sorry big dadd- i mean sir 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i'm shy and i just crash landed here and idk what to do i need a big strong unnamed daddy to help me out ;-;" i say my gentle voice cracking every .2625wg4723 seconds

"well uh i sure can help you there but um don't call me big strong daddy that's not very pc or whatever idk"

"ooooohh i'm sssorry big strong- i mean mr pc man " i say sobbing violently 

"it's pc principal actually" he says biting his lip agressivly 

i blush so hard my face turns green then suddenly another tall male bursts through the door


"m-m-mr mackey it's not what it looks like" big wrong pc princey says to the new man, mr mackey i think his name is

"PRINCEY I THOUFHT WE HAD SOMETHING MKAY" mr macbook says crying violently and almost shafting

"mack books we do i promise i just needed to help this poor petiole little person" prince says 

"oh princess mkay " mr mkay says before frenching pc princey 

i stand looking jealous because they're both so hot i want them both and them fronching in front of me is not making my panties any less tight

"anyways back to the situation why don't you two come to show me a place to stay ;)" i say ever so seductively that they both can't resist because i used my pheromone powers to draw them in

"of course mkay" mr mkacy says basically drooling at my bungalungows bouncing bountifully

pc principal and mr mackey lead me to a cheap motel where the everything is falling apart, too dangerous for my fragile petite self 🥺

"uhm boys i don't know if i can stay here all alone it's so dangerous out there... and in here" my jhong magically falls from my pantskirtchothestging to reveal my poosay 

"oopsie doopsie" i say giggle gaggling  

mr mkay and big strong pc daddy both do that ungabunga cartooon animation thing at the sight of my soaking jhong on the floor and can't resisnt 

"mm that makes me hot mkay"

"i'm about to do something not so pc"

they say befor e pouncing on my fragile body so hard like a pack of wolves i thought i might break 

they do some hot sexy ungabunga transylvania moves on my poosay on me before cupcakke and beyonce bust through the door 

"smack my ass like a drum" cupcakke says and suddenly mr makey is too entranced in her natural beauty and pc principal decides that my poosay is too powerful it might break his pp so he slithers like a snake to beyonce 

i cry violently as cupcakke and beyoncé carry my two dream men away leaving me all by myself halfway through my cummies (ew why did i write that)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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